Unknown Speaker 0:00 You censor conservative voices. Adam Curry Jhansi devora October 29 2020 this is your award winning media assassination Episode 1200 and 90 This is no agenda practicing RPG wise and three F's and broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in the frontier of Austin, Texas capital of the drone Star State in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry from Northern Silicon Valley where we all know that we're all doomed. Adam Curry 0:36 So you're now part of the EU in California. Are they doomed? Oh my god. France, Germany, the Netherlands all shutting down. Christina texted me She said, how people are freaking out here. They don't even only have symptoms or anything. Little sniffle. sniffle Yeah. Nice. sniffles the key. I hope people realize that COVID is Coronavirus is the cause is the common cold. Yeah. common cold is the Coronavirus. There's never been a vaccine for it and never will be. And it's and it's possible. I was listening to something the other day, it was just a math minor clip they're going well, you know, it's crazy because you know the symptoms of each. Each person is so different and most are asymptomatic. And I'm starting to think Wait a minute, if most, most are asymptomatic, that just because of what you've been discussing mostly over the last couple shows, is it possible that this test is just bad? And they're asymptomatic? Because they don't have it? Although they tested positive? Is it just that simple? I have a spec sheet of the new Abbott rapid test. It says right there in the spec sheet cannot make a distinction between Coronavirus rs one or two. John C Dvorak 2:00 Well, so that means it'll pick up a cold. It might just say that they're specifically not specifically but when we have a couple of clips later on the talk about it actually not being very reliable from government officials who are deploying them but Unknown Speaker 2:17 I finally found the smoking gun. I found the smoking gun. Sorry, the way Unknown Speaker 2:24 the way you said but I just imagine you're sticking a finger in the air. In fact, and I looked over my glasses when I said it, but listen to this. Unknown Speaker 2:35 Because yes, every every show, I think well that's it. I don't I can't say any more about the polymerase chain reaction. PCR also mislabeled as a thought test. But yes, I can. It's crazy because people aren't catching on. news media is catching on very, very sparsely. Of course, local stations. I have that till after the election. Well, of course, but Well actually, let's, let's, let's listen to I'll set it up this way, keep you in suspense a little bit longer. This is WRAL in North Carolina, and they are calling Unknown Speaker 3:16 this latest surge incorrect because they say hey, there's a lot of false positives with the PCR also known as the test. So this is rather long but it's very very complete in in their reporting WRAL in North Carolina, North Carolinians have taken more than 3 million COVID-19 tests. During the pandemic, almost all 97% of the positives came through a molecular test called a polymer chain reaction or PCR. And while the test is highly regarded as accurate when it comes to positive or negative, some in the scientific world say it provides an incomplete picture. We have found RNA shedding in evidence for 78 days. My Dr. Carl Hennigan with University of Oxford argues that black and white nature of the test is leading to an inflated number of cases when you pick you know, pay symptomatic people. You have no idea if they have active infection, or did they have it two months ago labs test for coronavirus by cycling samples to amplify the virus each cycle increases the virus in the sample. At the North Carolina State lab, they'll cycle a sample up to 37 times before deciding whether it's positive or negative. At lab core, the main private tester in our state, the cycle threshold is even higher at 38. And the more times you do that, the less virus you start out with WRAL investigates went through the specs of dozens of PCR tests the cycle thresholds ranged from as low as 35 to as high as 40. Depending on the maker, the higher that threshold goes, then the dimmer if you will, the signal is or translated to virus Unknown Speaker 5:00 The lower amount of virus has pressure, Dr. Thomas Denny heads up Duke University's COVID testing program. He says the higher thresholds of tests do raise questions, that would be a very low signal low level signal. Testing labs simply report positive or negative to the state. These tests were not designed specifically to identify how much virus is there, but just whether it's there or not. That's a lab director Dr. Scott Schoen who doesn't by this cycle threshold debate, trying to add additional layers of analysis onto a test that wasn't designed for that purpose can be dangerous. Unknown Speaker 5:39 Health care providers use the cycle threshold results as just one diagnostic tool, along with the patient's conditions and known rights. I happen to think knowing that is useful information, especially in the early days of a disease of your right now as we learn more about the virus, Denny believes it's better to have testing that's too sensitive. However, Hennigan argues cycle thresholds in the high 30s lead to inflated case numbers, unnecessary quarantines, and economic impacts. Or you can put in a threshold level, which says you are infectious, which is about a million copies, mil in sample, which is a cycle threshold of about 25. So there you have a report with numerous professors, you heard all the universities they represent. And at the end there, the professor even says really 25 cycles, you should know if someone has actual virus that can that you can detect. And we know that most of these tests, the essays that go out are more like 40 and 45. Unknown Speaker 6:46 And for sure, if you set it at 4545 cycles, and then a number of PCR specialists have sent screenshots to me, yes, if if it starts to rise at 26, then you don't need to even go to 45, you know that you have someone who clearly has enough virus in their system. But it's the threshold that we keep talking about, and generally accepted anything above 35 will result in too many false positives to actually function as a test from which results are being derived. And translated into lockdowns, which is happening now in Europe, and we'll get to the low death rate in a minute. So how can I convince everybody I'm shaking my hand again? How can I convince everybody that this is true that this 35 cycle level should be the limit? If only if only I had someone that everybody trusted? Like Anthony Fauci and Oh, the irony that he appeared in July on this week envira ology on the network by Mr. mask himself. Listen to Tony Fauci this week in virology, the podcast about viruses, the kind that make you sick. All right, there have been a number of reports of patients who shed viral RNA for weeks, as determined by PCR doesn't seem to be infectious virus, and real question is, are they a threat for transmission? And I'm wondering, if you think we could use a cut off of viral loads determined by PCR to say this patient is no longer infectious can go home can go to a nursing facility, because right now, the physicians are really having a hard time with that. Right? Again, a good question. And what is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard, that if you get a cycle threshold of 35, or more, that the chances of it being replication competent are miniscule? So that as somebody and you know, we do we have patients, and it's very frustrating for the patients, as well as for the physicians, somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR and it's like, 37 cycle threshold, but you never, you almost never can culture, virus stem from a 37 threshold cycle. So the I think, if somebody does come in with 3738, even 36, you got to say, you know, it's just, it's just dead nucleotides, period. Period. Did you hear that john? Unknown Speaker 9:34 He's the man. He said, above 35 is just bad nucleotide minuscule is the word he used minuscule, minuscule, any to and it's even more interesting that when you receive the results of your test, they don't actually tell you at how many cycles it was spun up to. Toe is the threshold Unknown Speaker 10:00 cycle Unknown Speaker 10:02 is reporting out a pretty standard practice and doing a diagnosis now rather than just positive or negative. Good news. I mean, when you go in when I get my test, you know, it's negative when someone comes in and is positive, they don't give them the threshold until you go back and ask for it. Okay, but they know they've got it. They've got your gun, you see, so they don't even give you the cycle count on the results of your PCR processing. This is truly evil. Unknown Speaker 10:34 No doubt you probably won't admit to it anymore. But there we have him on tape saying above 35 minuscules crazy even have that yet the tests are arriving at up to 45 cycles. Yeah, that means you're always gonna get something if you spin it up that far. Absolutely. And this is the result, President Emmanuel Macron said France needed a lockdown to act as a brutal break on COVID. starting Friday until December, no one in France can leave home without a good reason. Those schools and factories will stay open. But non essential businesses will have to close Francis hospitals are feeling the strain with more than half of all intensive care beds already full and deposition contact. In Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel announced what she called burdens and measures to restaurants will have to close so we'll bars and movie theaters. These are radical moves in a country wear masks and widespread testing had until now kept the infection rates low. And Unknown Speaker 11:40 this is actually quite funny. I'm sure that even the Chinese who figured this is going to upset things a little bit that probably Unknown Speaker 11:48 people are idiots laughing their asses off No kidding. But and by the way, since you're giving these reports I know you're on top of this. And what you're getting is from the media Of course, I'm sure the media is covering it like crazy. What's the equivalent of what they're doing in Sweden? Unknown Speaker 12:04 The equivalent of what they're doing in Sweden, they're doing a locking Sweden. No, no, no, they're not locking swung? What not? Oh, no, no risking the lives of all the people in Sweden like this. What's interesting, how dare you? What's interesting, if you look at the data for and we have a number of states where and even we have, what is it El Paso? Oh, no, we've got a curfew in El Paso lock everybody down and you look at the numbers. And you see the spike in positive cases, ie people who have shown up to have viral miniscule viral load up to 45 counts is really 20 year olds, because they're out having a good time they're spreading this virus, but the deaths are, which are going up but not very much. We're talking maybe 10 more. They're in the 75 to 80 year old range. So they present it as Oh my god, positive cases going up more people dying, but it's really not related those two. Unknown Speaker 13:10 It's a good one. It's Oh, my gosh, and Okay, so let's look at some of the actual numbers from the CDC. Unknown Speaker 13:19 Here's CDC who reveal their hospital Unknown Speaker 13:24 count and how they counted. It's rather disturbing. It's a real report, but you won't hear it replicated many places. So Centers for Disease Control have updated their death count for Coronavirus and reveal yet again that COVID-19 is rarely the actual cause of death among Coronavirus patients, according to the CDC themselves of the 220,000 deaths attributed to the Coronavirus. 87,000 of them died from pneumonia and influenza. Another 17,000 died from chronic respiratory diseases and 26,000 died from respiratory distress syndrome. 44,000 patients died from hypertensive diseases 23,000 died from heart disease and a whopping 28,000 died from cardiac arrest and heart failure. Yet all of these even patients who died from heart attacks or markdown as dying from the Coronavirus, doctors who spoke with one American news explained that 131,000 patients who are being considered COVID-19 deaths already had life ending diseases including cancer, dementia, and even in stage renal failure. And according to the CDC, again, if you look at place of death, you'll see that some 10,000 patients who died from COVID were on hospice care, meaning they were terminally ill to begin with and we're already expected to die. But cnn will continue to keep those numbers up every single day. Oh yeah, 230,000 Americans a quarter of it. That's what's gonna be next. almost a quarter of a million mark my words. That's how they're gonna present it next. So I don't understand how the World Health Unknown Speaker 15:00 organization can say that 98% of influenza did not show up this year, yet they've marked all these people as dead from influenza. Unknown Speaker 15:11 And here comes my favorite. What about the excess death rate? What about the excess death rate? You can't ignore the excess death rate, can you? Well, that depends getting there, you almost hit pretty good, pretty good. Pretty good. Can you Unknown Speaker 15:28 hear CNBC Squawk Box, Doctor, you know, we're talking about some of the better results recently. But the CDC also coming out with a study saying that there were 299, about 300,000 excess of deaths, excess deaths thus far in 2020, in particular, and this, to me was the surprising part about it. It said that it struck 25 to 44 year olds very hard their access to death rate was up 26.5%. So how do you square both of these these these numbers we're seeing? Yeah, we have to break down those CDC numbers a little bit. So two thirds of those excess deaths were from COVID-19. The other one third were from other causes. And I would suspect that a good portion of the deaths in that younger cohort were deaths due to despair due to other reasons. We've seen a spike in overdoses. And I would suspect that a good portion of those excess deaths in that in that younger cohort were from drug overdoses and other deaths that would triggered by some of the implications of what we've gone through to try to deal with COVID-19. So only two thirds of those excess deaths were actually directly related to viral infection. The other third, were related to other factors probably indirectly related to the pandemic. Yeah, overdoses, suicides. So the real impact actually of people having covid is much smaller than is being presented doesn't matter. You'll never read that. Hello, future. Hello, future children. 50 years ahead of me when you hear this on some strategy, old iPod that you dug up out of your grandpa's attic, we knew it was fake. We knew it. No one listened. Unknown Speaker 17:06 My message to the future. Unknown Speaker 17:08 Make sure the kids no Unknown Speaker 17:12 matter. Unknown Speaker 17:15 New Zealand is great. It's a great time to be alive in New Zealand. Of course, we know the premier was Prime Minister was reelected, and she's ready to build back better and part of that comes with tracking you like a dog putting a tag on you like a whale, like a big humpback whale traveling across New Zealand tracking you grab a card and slip it on the new tool to track and trace COVID-19 could be that simple. Unknown Speaker 17:49 Bluetooth contact tracing cards are being trialed in the normal Taha community COVID trace, but we know that we can use different technologies and different sorry, Unknown Speaker 18:00 that's just mumbling mumbling okay said Unknown Speaker 18:05 different parts of the community, it's up to 1500 people will participate. Don't worry the card for a weekend provide feedback. I think that we have an opportunity to assist in providing a process that's going to have benefits for the whole of the country. It works by exchanging a signal with anyone also wearing a card within a few meters described as a digital handshake, building a record of close contacts, that technology doesn't track your location the information is stored on the card. If you live or work and normal, and rover 19 years of age, you can take part and the trial accounts were designed by T Ottawa, the health ministry and the universities of Waikato and Otago and could be vital for vulnerable communities, the number of people my age group at quien. Camacho, for instance, who don't have a cell phone, who don't have access to data to be able to access the same. So that's why it's obviously more user friendly, jello will hold the piece of information for people who registered for the card, please, when CML will look after that data that comes out because it's too early for a national rollout. But one expert sees the benefits. If by chance you become a case, then it can automatically automatically contact all of your close contacts that you've had over a period of time. So you don't actually have to do anything. You don't even have to know who they are or exactly where you had close contact with them. That's the beauty of it. The cards will go live early next month. It literally is a tag. It's a card as a tag you carry on your arm, which can later be moved to your toe. When you're in the morgue. Yeah, well, that's convenient to save money. Unknown Speaker 19:48 Now take a tagging toy don't write anything up. It saves a lot of it does. It's already identified out just in case you're an unfortunate case. Then you will go to the Unknown Speaker 20:00 quarantine center, you will not stay at home. If you're a child, you will be taken away from your family and put into the quarantine center. Here's a New Zealand Chief Medical official describing this is part of our overall national response to this new outbreak. Fire now directing medical officers of health that all cases confirmed cases to be managed in a quarantine facility. Now, this is different to help positive cases were managed when we were last at levels four and indeed three, and shows how serious we are about limiting any risk of ongoing transmission, even thin self isolation in including to others in the household. This will apply to any cases and also close family members who might be at risk as appropriate. The reminder these facilities has been have been set up specifically and have excellent processes and resources in place to look after people with COVID-19, including health staff on site at all times. And it will help us avoid any further inadvertent spread into the community as part of our overall response. So off, you go off to the camp, don't worry, it's gonna be great, have a shower. And just in case you don't want to take a test or you you're in the facility and you're, you know, you're kind of a troublemaker, you're like, Hey, get away from me, man, I don't want to test Well, here's the Prime Minister herself, explaining that you probably will want to take a test. Someone refuses Unknown Speaker 21:30 to be tested, they have to keep staying. So they won't be able to leave after 14 days, they have to stay on for another 14 days. So it's a pretty good incentive. You either Unknown Speaker 21:42 make sure you're clean, or we will keep you in a facility longer. So I think most people will look at it and say, I'll take that. I'll take the test. Unknown Speaker 21:51 Questions about people refuse. What do we do if someone refuses to be tested? Well, they can't. Now, if someone refuses in our facilities to be tested, they have to keep staying. So they won't be able to leave after 14 days. They have to stay on for another 14 days. So it's a pretty good incentive. Unknown Speaker 22:12 And make sure you are we will keep you in a facility longer. So I think most people will look. Unknown Speaker 22:19 I'll take the test. Unknown Speaker 22:40 Is this what they're talking about when they say Trump mismanaged the COVID that he's not doing stuff like this? Absolutely would do. Or maybe Hillary be doing this now she was president. We'd be locked down we go like Europe. Same thing, bro. You're talking, bitching and moaning if Hillary was president you and I would be in the in the in the lockup. He'd be in there right now. Unknown Speaker 23:04 You but you have to see that video. It's in the show notes of her face. It's on a zoom call and she looks like an alien. She's frightening the woman is when she's Unknown Speaker 23:14 saying Unknown Speaker 23:16 wow, she's frightening to me. She's a horrible person. Well, so as Gavin Newsome, we've heard of the restrictions for the holiday season, but enjoyed out there in California, john, and your neighbors will be watching you. First of all, no more than three households, including your own can gather. That's the big thing, three households. And that's the limit. Unknown Speaker 23:37 The the host of the gathering has to collect basically the names and contact information of everybody who's there, in case that tracing needs to happen if somebody were to get sick, all gatherings have to be held outside regardless that you can go inside to use a bathroom, as long as that bathroom is frequently sanitized. You can like parks, open air parks, you can gather there, but again, they're sticking with that three household rule. So you can't have other households join you there just because it's a wide open space. It's got to be the three households, all seating socially distance, specifically six feet in every single direction. If you're going to serve food, all food has to be served in single serve disposable dishes. You got to wear a mask at all times unless you're eating we're all used to that by now. You can only gather for a maximum of two hours. That's one of the other restrictions. Singing is discouraged. But if you must sing, you must wear a mask and sing below a standard speaking voice and that specific Unknown Speaker 24:37 guideline is really got a standard yes below. Unknown Speaker 24:43 You will obey you will obey. That's where you live. Unknown Speaker 24:49 You live there, nobody's going along with this. They will have drones. They love drones flying over to check check and make sure that you're complying If not, the drone will just hop Unknown Speaker 25:00 And then and shoot a electric electric be Macha. Well they will they're hoping for that it hasn't come yet. Unknown Speaker 25:09 Really this this. Unknown Speaker 25:12 To me, it's so obvious, of course we're less than a week before the election. So nothing better than to keep people from I mean, this is true election interference. Because you're telling people stay at home. It's too late to get a mailing valid. Oh, yeah, you're gonna die. So there's that that is not discussed. Unknown Speaker 25:34 That's an interesting angle because it's well known that the dead most of the male invalidating has been done by Democrats and the Republicans all expect to go to the polls. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 25:46 So keep them home. You got it, mate. This is a great cut off point. And voting my stop today. This is the setup to build back. This is the setup to build back better. Joe Biden is now sending out build back better pamphlets, pamphlets, which is not saying how he's going to do anything, but it's all good. So it's all saying according to you listen to me. And they say, Oh, he's got plans, plans, plans that just like just, I don't want to go off track here. But I do have to Joe Biden gaps that we can play. Unknown Speaker 26:18 Sure, let's let's let's let's spark it up a little bit. Sure. Let's do it. Well, let's go with the Biden that this way you don't have the data and this could be just maybe when we missed but this is the Biden Kamala, running mate gaff. My name is Joe Biden. Joe Biden's husband. And I'm common was running me Unknown Speaker 26:41 thinking I'm kidding. Yeah, I'm so happy. This was in Michigan. It was actually a comedy. And it was so weird. It was a Biden, Kamala Harris event. But her name was underneath at the height of Joe's head. So he's standing there in front of a sign that literally says only Kamala and then he says this, but and most people missed it, because you left the last part on which is this part, which is important is the Unknown Speaker 27:12 kid The guy is so toast. He doesn't even know he's giving it away. Unknown Speaker 27:18 It's not a gaffe. He's telling the truth. Unknown Speaker 27:22 To what he said, He's actually since we're doing this, I have a clip from Michigan with Kamla Camila till you heard Joe River. You heard Joe, he clearly said, I'm Jill's husband, and I'm camo is running mate. You think I'm joking? No, we understand what you're saying, Joe? Here's Kamala Harris. In Michigan, I think she's wasted. Hey, Ronnie. Unknown Speaker 27:49 Hey, it's good to be back in Michigan. Carolyn, thank you so much for that introduction. It's good to be in the house of labor. Unknown Speaker 28:01 Okay, so we are nine days away from the end of this election. Unknown Speaker 28:09 Nine days. And every single one of these days leading up to November 3, Tuesday, November 3, is going to determine the outcome of this election and you in Michigan are going to determine who will be the next president of the United States and Vice President of the United States. Oh, she just added that. Unknown Speaker 28:38 You aren't gonna make the difference. So it's so good to be back. But here's the thing. So in 2016 Unknown Speaker 28:48 PTSD about what that was all about, right? Unknown Speaker 28:53 drunk or not drunk? She's drunk. Seriously. I mean, we're usually joking about this, but she sounds drunk there. She sounds drunk. And I think if you think about it, if you just think about it, just objectively, this is a strain on her and she's probably drinking a lot and I'll bet you She is a mean drunk. Unknown Speaker 29:13 Like she's, yeah, I mean, I don't have her as drunk but I have Aaron, Arizona. This is the way she starts off. Same thing. Same corny thing. small audience comme la in Arizona, please. Unknown Speaker 29:28 Can we please hear from Unknown Speaker 29:32 an incredible leader. She's just Unknown Speaker 29:35 she switches to code to switch. Unknown Speaker 29:39 And she can't even get out of it after that. Listen. Unknown Speaker 29:43 What an incredible leader. She Unknown Speaker 29:46 is Jenny. She's a sign of strength and passion and she represents who we are as a nation, Mayor Romero, thank you for everything you are and everything you do. Unknown Speaker 29:59 It's okay. Unknown Speaker 30:00 Good to be back in Arizona. Unknown Speaker 30:08 I have I got one more Campbell of Unknown Speaker 30:14 Mad cat deer deer drinking may account for make America drunk again. Let's see. mera Mata Mata Mata Mata there we go meta meta meta meta meta a, her laughing hyena act O, which he exhibited on 60 minutes and I don't think it pleased. Anybody see the hyenas? It doesn't please too many people listen to her because she makes you look like you're an idiot. This is laughing Tom Alon 60 minutes. You're very different in the policies that you've supported in the past. You're considered the most liberal United States Senator. Unknown Speaker 30:49 I, somebody said that it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage. Yeah. nonpartisan. gov track has rated you as the most liberal senator, you supported the green New Deal. You supported Medicare for All you've supported legalizing marijuana, Joe Biden doesn't support those things. So are you going to bring the policies, those progressive policies that you supported as Senator, into a Biden administration, what I will do, and I promise you this, and this is what Joe wants me to do. This was part of our deal. I will always share with him my lived experience as it relates to any issue that we confront. And I promised Joe, that I will give him that perspective and always be honest with him. And is that a socialist or progressive perspective? Unknown Speaker 31:43 No, it is the perspective of a woman who grew up a black child in America Unknown Speaker 31:51 was also a prosecutor who also has a mother who arrived here at the age of 19, from India, who also you know, likes hip hop. Unknown Speaker 32:02 What do you want to know? Unknown Speaker 32:04 I want to give you the opportunity to address this because at the Republican National Convention, President Trump made the case that Joe Biden is going to be nothing more than a Trojan horse for socialist policies for the left wing of the Democratic Party. Are you going to push those policies when your vice president is not going to be confined to Donald Trump's definition of who I or anybody else is? You know, this real that's a good clip and I like it because in there, she shows all the things she wants to be that she is not. And she says a black child in America Unknown Speaker 32:42 and it loves hip hop. bullcrap. You know that she's doing Bollywood belly dancing in front of the mirror. This is that she's constructed this in her head, and that's why I said, Well, I'm not gonna let anyone else define me. Ah, no, that's a good idea. That's a good catch. Now do the back the drawer back back to bite back the bite to bite and guess this one is the gap i thought was so funny. I saw Yeah. I heard it on all the all the right wingers who got an extra I'm going online to get it and I said Where the hell is this guy? I had literally trouble finding this clip. Oh, good. Find it eventually. But it was just like, like pulling teeth for some reason. They just kind of like, are you? Are you saying that some of these social media. Silicon Valley companies may have obfuscated this from view. I think they did kind of give everybody kind of give everybody a tip right now. If you're looking for something or having trouble finding it on YouTube, pop right on over to bit shoot, bit. Shoot calm. That's where the cool kids are backing up their stuff. VIPs Unknown Speaker 33:50 donate to bitch shoot. Keep those keep those guys running. It's worth it. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 33:58 All right. Well, you just you just leech you don't you don't support anything divorce tech. I support everything. That's what I thought. All right, Biden best gaffe ever gonna be eight days left, they want me to ask you I want to know like if someone is undecided, or maybe maybe you're thinking about not voting, why should they vote? And why should they vote for you? Well, first of all, the reason they should vote is that there's a lot on the on the balance this year. I mean, this is the most consequent not because I'm running, but because who I'm running against this most consequential election Unknown Speaker 34:28 in a long, long, long time. And the character the country in my view is literally on the ballot. What kind of country we're going to be four more years of Georgia, Georgia, he gonna find ourselves in a position where if Trump gets elected, we're going to be we're going to be in a different world. Unknown Speaker 34:48 What's unfortunate is what you can't hear is when you look at the video, Jill bide it's a zoom, call or video called Joe Biden is sitting right next to him and she's gone. Unknown Speaker 35:00 Trump, Trump, Trump phone. She does it twice you should kind of opens her lips just a little bit and tries to Trump Trump Trump. Unknown Speaker 35:09 Did you did you see that on the video? Yeah, it No, this was one of the most pathetic clips I could do not understand how anybody can vote for this guy. And he's like I said the knees to crap it. And Unknown Speaker 35:22 crap, the best word I could come up with. And he this George George thing is was the most pathetic of the gas because it's kind of sad that Lopez George Lopez later came in so while you're talking about me, my years of nice, nice save Unknown Speaker 35:43 years of George Lopez, you know, he says, specifically says four more years of GEORGE Yeah. And then he says George, again, if you watch the video, if you watch the video, and if it's still there, go to bid shoot. You'll see Joe Biden next to him going Trump Trump Unknown Speaker 35:59 with an open sore lips just a little bit. Hmm. Unknown Speaker 36:03 Speaking of most consequential election ever, this is a President Obama in 2008. This is certainly the most important election in my lifetime. 2012 I truly believe this is the most important election of our lifetimes. 24 2016 probably the most important election of our lifetimes. In 2018 you get to vote in what I believe will be the most important election of our lifetime. And this week, I always say that, but this time is really true. Oh, here we go. 2012 Unknown Speaker 36:41 until the most important election of our lifetime Unknown Speaker 36:47 I guess it's always the most important election of our lifetime, as long as he's alive. Unknown Speaker 36:53 Just kind of sticking with the as we transition away from the COVID Unknown Speaker 36:59 phony baloney case news. Unknown Speaker 37:04 Joe Biden mentioned dark winter, Unknown Speaker 37:08 dark winter, which a lot of people caught and said holy crap man that there really was such a thing called dark winter. He's not the only one by the way, who's been talking about the dark winter it seems to be perhaps the kind of build back better thing without better planning 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history. Britain is braced for a dark winter as new majors are deployed to stainless surge of Coronavirus Unknown Speaker 37:33 surge and perhaps an even more painful winter as Coronavirus cases soar in the US. We're about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter. Unknown Speaker 37:44 I'll just make it better. The dark winter. Do you know who oversaw that exercise? Oh, spider way What? It was an exercise for smallpox biological attack. Yeah, I remember this. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 38:03 Donald Rumsfeld, the recent dark winter exercise conducted at Johns Hopkins University. Oh, simulate a Unknown Speaker 38:11 meeting in which terrorists released smallpox in three separate locations in the United States. Unknown Speaker 38:18 Within Unknown Speaker 38:20 two months, the worst case estimate indicated that up to 1 million people could be dead. And another 2 million affected Unknown Speaker 38:31 biological weapons must be of major concern. Let there be no doubt. Unknown Speaker 38:39 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess the Chinese watch that. Unknown Speaker 38:44 So just just I do want to say one thing for people who are about to be locked up. As I was watching the peaceful protests in Philadelphia, the past two nights, which consist mainly of people looting. Unknown Speaker 39:00 You see cops Unknown Speaker 39:02 just standing around. And they say, well, when queried by the news media, well, what are we going to do? And there's way too many people were understaffed, you know, it'll be a bloodbath. If we try to stop this. That tells me that if you really don't want to be locked down and tagged like a dog, that if you just resist if you have enough people, that'll be it. They want the social workers they're gonna bring on Yeah, exactly. Still have a chat. They'll have a chat with you. But I think it's I don't think have to be worried about saying now. I'm just not interested in in participating. I it's not, there's no talk of it yet here in Austin. But if talk of Texas really comes you know, Austin will be one of the first ones to do it again. I'm not going to take it personally. Unknown Speaker 39:53 Not gonna happen. What's not thing is that at this point, at this point, we're looking at the same Unknown Speaker 40:00 Up and down a epidemic rate as SARS cov. One, the SARS virus and one that we that came and went and to say this has come and gone and everything now is just I you know, it's just buffalo in the public until the election day to get Biden in and interfere Unknown Speaker 40:23 in the rest of the world is built back better time is be the rest of the world something else going on as part of the same overall scheme because but it's important for the overall scheme that the biggest economy in the world be run by a globalist which would be Biden. Harris, it doesn't matter any day any democrat will do because they're all pretty much going to do the same thing. Right? And so you just got to get Trump out. But the reason I because I've always said well, the whole you know, some people that are completely into the massive conspiracy that the whole world is against Trump. Well, they may not like Trump, they don't want him in this office. But they're doing their lockdowns for a specific other reason. Is that just a little well, troll practise I have Well, yes. In fact, in Sweden, which is the outlier, and nobody wants to talk about Sweden is also not a member of the European Union. So this is why it's not an issue for them. They, they have their own plans. But the this is the World Economic Forum suite was a member of the European Union's Norway. That's not Oh, am I wrong about that? Yes. Let me see. I could be wrong. Unknown Speaker 41:33 No, but you could be wrong. Unknown Speaker 41:38 You're not a member of Euro Eurozone? Yeah, I'm sorry. You're right. You're right. You're right. Well, money is more important than passports. But this is being orchestrated by the douchebags from Davos, the World Economic Forum, and they released a video and no, they have the great reset. They got podcasts that what we've been calling the douchebags from Davos, the douchebags from Davos, yes, the party of Davos, douchebags from Davos, Unknown Speaker 42:05 and the the people who are doing the great reset, and it's it's captains of industry, it's, you know, it's the Prince Charles of the world, the Bill Gates, it's the same people that do the douchebags, now, they put out a video, which is just titles over, you know, typical stock music. But I would like to read along while the music plays, and I can read this to you, for people who have not heard, and it's titled eight predictions for the world in 2030. And 2030, as you know, we call it a very long time ago was a critical year, that will be a tipping point. Because, yes, you've harped on it. I might add, I think I make sure that we Yeah, we get I think I still have 2030 club.org or something we have a lot of Yes. Alright, so I'm gonna read this as a place for ever to get there too. I just, Unknown Speaker 43:00 I don't think the show will make it but you never know, eight predictions for the world in 2030. Here we go and reading along with this groovy little thing. Let's see, you'll own nothing, and you'll be happy. What? Whatever you want, you'll rent and it'll be delivered by drone. I'm seeing an Amazon drove. The US won't be the world's leading superpower Stop, stop, stop stopping. Are you sure you're not reading from the Babylon? b? Unknown Speaker 43:27 It is. It's interesting. You say that? When I showed it to Tina, she said, is that the Babylon B? I said no. It is. It's the World Economic Forum. This is it's on their website. wtf.ch. So and when you see this kid, it's you know, it's like a young guy. It's a probably in his early 20s. He's smiling and says you'll owe nothing, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. I'll try and narrate what you're saying at the same time. Okay, so now that we see a drone, whatever you want your rent, and it'll be delivered by drone. next shot here is city street, the US won't be the world's leading superpower. It's a picture of Manhattan. A handful of countries will dominate. And I'm stopping this video right here. And they show some flags flying and they show in the foreground, the Chinese flag then the American flag, then I think the Portuguese flag, but the Chinese flag is in the middle of all these other flags. Unknown Speaker 44:28 next shot here. Unknown Speaker 44:30 You won't die waiting for an organ donor. Unknown Speaker 44:35 We won't transplant organs. we'll print new ones instead. And you see a phony baloney 3d printer printing up a heart. Okay, that's really good. You'll eat much less meat. Unknown Speaker 44:50 an occasional treat, not a staple for the good of the environment and our health. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. Unknown Speaker 45:00 We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees. Unknown Speaker 45:05 polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. By the way, that's every single human being on the planet. If you exhale, you are therefore, by definition a polluter and you will have to pay, I think there will be a tax on speech, a carbon tax, or just speech that is considered, the more you talk, the more you talk, or be, we're gonna be bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt, we're going exactly Okay, there will be a global price on carbon. And this will help make fossil fuels history. Unknown Speaker 45:38 You could be preparing to go to Mars. Unknown Speaker 45:42 Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space, the start of a journey to find alien life, Western values will have been tested to the breaking point and you see a McDonald's logo Unknown Speaker 45:56 checks and balances that underpin our democracy a second. Give me that what was the one with the McDonald's logo? What was the comment? Yeah. Unknown Speaker 46:06 So goes you see like a busy street. It's actually it's 47th Street in New York. Sixth Avenue, I see a sign that says Diamond City live very busy on the street. And there's a big McDonald sign in the right hand corner. And what was the comment? And the comment is, Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Unknown Speaker 46:28 But what are they implying? Unknown Speaker 46:31 I don't know. But it's clearly America bad. Unknown Speaker 46:35 Because it's six Avenue Diamond City. Maybe it's, you know, our artists, our need for junk food and, and shiny things that we think are worth a lot. Oh, my Chinese don't like shiny things. No, not at all gold. Unknown Speaker 46:54 All right, and we move on to the next one. Yes, checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten. Unknown Speaker 47:03 I got to think about that for a second checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten. Let's see what the next slide is. Are they big? No, no, no. No, I just says like, comment, share. That's it. So that's your future. That's the future send me that link. I actually, it's not Unknown Speaker 47:25 our rageous like the you know, that memo, the liberal memo, which have a couple clips about that supposedly floating around Canada. Unknown Speaker 47:34 But you mean the one that I read on the show that you said was q1 on? Unknown Speaker 47:39 No, I said was bullshit. Unknown Speaker 47:43 I think I think you also mentioned cute. Unknown Speaker 47:48 It was very cute. daanish Yeah, of course. It's cute. daanish Unknown Speaker 47:53 I have the I have Unknown Speaker 47:57 I do have one to play that because I'm still amused by that. Okay, Nemo, all right. Unknown Speaker 48:02 But this is ridiculous. I mean, Unknown Speaker 48:06 does the public at large. ever look at something like this to say, hey, wait, these people are not working in our best interest? No, I can't own prom. More the public at large when this is bullshit. That's exactly what you bullshit. There's no doubt about it. But the fact that they would even do this and then be respected. I mean, do you does anyone think Warren Buffett or Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos would would would not own anything anymore? Or the Rothschilds didn't stop ownership of all things we'd all be sharing and and renting well in case you hadn't noticed that's pretty much where life is today for most people they can't afford they can't save up enough for downpayment for purchasing a home so as rent, they rent their scooters their bicycles your iPhones are rented no one's actually paying 1000 bucks on $1 Stop stop there. Unknown Speaker 49:02 A lot of this has to do with they're convinced that this should be renting this is the people that lease cars when they don't really don't need to the company there's no reason to lease a car right? This is there was a video I wish I maybe I did clip or when it came out. But there's one of these life hacks things Jay was a whole video on why you should rent and never buy anything. Yeah. And it was a it was kind of convincing. A less you had any sense. Unknown Speaker 49:31 But you had a brain Unknown Speaker 49:35 Yeah. And it was this guy went on and on and on now you should know No, it's dumb. You do. If you if you buy you're stuck. You have to you have to rent you should rent and you have freedom. Oh, and it was just like discouraging people from buying. You know, the reason damar especially this kind of is always decided when you look at the deep sociology Unknown Speaker 50:00 Have it you want to high land ownership ratio in the general public because they're the people that support the government he do though people as you own stuff you don't you know the big guys, they're super rich the millionaires, billionaires, they're in a different league for protecting their wealth. They want one world government in a lockdown in a Nazi system and shut up slave and shut up slave but just the general public that has a lot of land ownership and they have it they're invested in a small businesses, which they've been trying to shut down with COVID especially the black small business they don't want blacks owning businesses, that bad idea can't have that. You get blacks owning property in businesses, they might they might not vote Republican, they might cop an attitude. Unknown Speaker 50:47 Republic Yeah, that's not good. No, you can't have this. So this is nonsense. But but the fact that these these documents exist, and these people really want to force this kind of thing that on people, it's just it's, it's humiliating. Let me play them go jump to the meems. Now, here is the liberal memo, which you talked about, which is just cracked me up because I poo pooed it a little too early. I think Unknown Speaker 51:13 it was outrageous. Do I miss some of the better parts? Better parts of it? Unknown Speaker 51:20 Well, I was reading, I tuned out while you were while I was reading it to you were like, oh, whatever. Unknown Speaker 51:26 But then, then I heard this guy reading and he's all Yeah, I owe more. I can't even tell you who sent it to me because I don't want a buster. Yeah, I'm thinking of the liberal memo Redux, clear. End of the memo. Oh, the end of the memo, okay, I was gonna say is to kind of kind of short for the whole. So this is unrestricted living under even under a full lockdown. Through the use of a photo identification referred to as Canada's health pass, committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario, and what would happen to lead to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told the world debt reset program will handle all of the details. So when that was they were asked what happened to the property and what happens to the banks? Don't worry about it, we're gonna take care of it. That's what they were told. Several committee members also question what would happen to individuals if they refuse to participate in the world debt reset program or the health pass? Or the vaccination schedule? The answer we got was very troubling. Essentially, we were told it was our duty. To make sure we come up with the plan, meaning the Liberal Party was told that it was their duty to come up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was the it was in the individual's best interest to participate. When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer, we were told that those who refused would first live under the lockdown restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refuse to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risks and have all your assets seized we think that's quite an incentive you seem to use Unknown Speaker 53:29 this woman in New Zealand here about this memo so you know, that's not a bad idea Unknown Speaker 53:37 maniacs around the world in some places, I'd say victorious and other one. So I you know, the guy he doesn't do I couldn't play the whole thing but one of the guys on on the rebel which is, you know, pretty good. Kind of hard to it's hard to clip it's hard to clip so hard, because there guys are boring. And they Yak and Yak and have long intros. But long pauses I mean, this little this Ezra, one of their top guys, and I had to, it'll talk like this Well, and then Unknown Speaker 54:09 I think, you know, most of those clips, like what I do is I recorded I played back in real time, I'm looking at the waveform. And that's what I do. And I and I have an eye for in and an O for out. And so when I see that blank spot coming up, I hit the I then hit the O hit the X for cut. And I have to do that sometimes do it 1520 times in a clip just to keep the show moving. Oh, that's not the way the way I do it. I take it I do the same thing. I have an eye brush using the public domain Audacity. Yeah. And I look at the waveform I see the way from it and you just see the dead area. So you just go and just cut it out right there manually. And then if you see something like there's a long applause, I'll take it cutting the applause is a little difficult because I fade him out now I fade him I do a nice fit. I don't fade him out what I do. What I do is I see the long pause, I take the the word starts to go to the peak and I cut it there and then I go all the way Unknown Speaker 55:00 This works exactly the same height. And I cut out that huge middle. And so the clips are very there's a lot of I I'm impressed by selling. You're probably better at doing this than I am. But I sometimes impressed myself. I am well I've been doing this for 40 years and started with a razor blade and tape Unknown Speaker 55:22 but I use the Hindenburg Journalist pro if anyone wants to really have a great editing and recording tool Hindenburg Journalist pro not cheap By the way, not program but you you get you get Yeah, you getting some you get something good for it. Well, I, I believe in public I believe in the free world open source. Yeah. Okay. All right. Here's what here's Ezra cut down as best I could 46 seconds of him bitching about this old thing. Every day, I get at least 10 emails about this leaked liberal memo purporting to have the secret plan that Justin Trudeau is going to use to enslave us all. I have received this from strangers, and from friends from people who are politically amateur and sophisticated political professionals alike. And it's that second part that surprises me because to me, this is so self evidently, and manifestly a fake. The fact that politically sophisticated people in fact, there's one person, I am shocked that they send it their job is a BS buster. And they charge a lot of money to basically be on guard for BS. I'm not gonna say who it was. Let me just say I am stunned. Oh, he's stunned. He says, stunned, or is he a disc informant? Unknown Speaker 56:46 It could be. Unknown Speaker 56:47 He could be he could be. Yeah, he could be could be. That's one of the I sent this to somebody. We had one of our producers send me a whole bunch of clips. And then I sent him this. I said, you know, this is bullshit. Hey, there was there was something he said. He said, he said what they did comment but reported? Well, there's no proof that is bullshit. Unknown Speaker 57:07 There was something that Unknown Speaker 57:09 just triggered me Hold on unrestricted living, where I was locked down through the use of a photo identification referred to as Canada's health pass. Okay, so that triggered me because I have an article today about the Mayo Clinic. Unknown Speaker 57:25 Who together with the startup Silicon Valley startup have launched their health passport. And this is interesting. They're, they're taking it a little bit further. So it's an app, of course, and it focused initially on COVID-19. Listen, Mayo Clinic has teamed up with a health technology company is called the safe Health Group to launch a new digital service focused on reducing the high cost of testing and care for COVID-19. But not just that, also sexually transmitted diseases and other common medical conditions. There really, you know, they're really planning on doing a lot with Unknown Speaker 58:06 with your information. And well, when they're smart. Let's go back in history a little bit. Unknown Speaker 58:13 There's a lot of these idealistic concepts that really appeared in the probably in the early 80s, late 70s. And one of them was the when the smart card was invented in France. The little chip card, yeah, Unknown Speaker 58:28 that took forever to take place in United States and and the reason for that was that the French company that and they had them in Europe, everything, everyone's using them a little chip. They didn't start using them here until the patent ran out 26 years later, because nobody wanted to pay the MasterCard and Visa because they're making all this money. They didn't see any reason for us to keep the stripe and doing is scrape the card and then we'll get that free. We'll do the chip by ourselves after his domain, right? That's the reason for that, of course, but during even though nobody wants to talk about it, because we're way behind you're behind you guys are so far behind which is where you were biding our time. So but when that smart chip was first invented, because I was writing a lot and technology back then like all the time, there was a lot of discussion about the chip going further. And that in that whole chip carrying all your financial data your all your entire bank account all your all your Bitcoin will be on it. Unknown Speaker 59:28 That would be true today, but but I remember specifically that was going to be your passport information. It was all going to be on there. And your health data. Yeah, we're gonna be on it. Yeah, everything was going to be on this chip. It was all going to be on a card, and this card you'd carry with you ain't life great. Unknown Speaker 59:47 Yeah, that's what nobody batted an eye. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, think of all the possibilities who Yeah, but didn't make life so much easier. But now they can actually do it and then they can actually do it and they're gonna Unknown Speaker 1:00:00 Well, they're gonna try to do it. The problem is people lose the cars, they get stolen, they're easy to hack. There's a lot of issues. I mean, that bark chip when it first came out, there was a hack that came I remember writing about this, this was in brown 1980 there was a hack of that chip. That was a scandalous hack, because it was caused a lot of new laws to be written. Wasn't it also the also the hack that Unknown Speaker 1:00:25 that eventually led to legislation because people were hacking the smart cards for their satellite decoders. Unknown Speaker 1:00:32 And that was going on a lot there the goal that you would get the gold card, he jacked that thing in like, Whoa, okay, I got free channels for the rest of my life. Yeah. And they worked into it, what they would do, they came up with a plan, the satellite, blew it up. Like, they blew it up. They basically made you they blew up all the cars. I had one of the I didn't, I had a real card in the set, but they blew it up too, because they blew up everybody's card. And when I say blew it up, they just basically torched the card inside literally like shot some kind of electrical pulse. Yeah, you pull the card out, it's always it's got a it's got a warped, it's warped in this burnt smell. Unknown Speaker 1:01:17 It's true, I remember this, I remember this, it would burn it and you had to get new cards, you got to get your new card, they actually would send you a card in the mail first and they'll leave your old card in or because they didn't want you putting the new card in. And then they blew up the cards. And I don't know what to do about hacking now. Always looking for the humor in the world. whales, as you know is going into a severe lockdown there. I build back better participant and they are locked down I believe until December. Unknown Speaker 1:01:48 Yeah, all of November, all of November Shut up. But just before this happened a couple days ago, you know that we talked about only the big box stores being open. Tesco is one of them in the in the UK and also in Wales. Unknown Speaker 1:02:02 It's kind of like a target, I guess. And they are not allowed to sell non essential stuff. So you can't go in and you know, and get anything other than, you know, food and paper products pretty much. And there's this one guy, he went to the Why? Because non essential. It's non essential like you're in the damn store. So this dad agrees with you. He's built as a dad in this. It looks about 3538 and he's just wearing his underpants. And he's and he goes in and people Excuse me, sir, you can't come He said, Well, what I thought pants were non essential. Unknown Speaker 1:02:40 You gotta appreciate the guy for doing that. I love this guy. Yeah, he got in. He got in some of the papers. So anyway. Unknown Speaker 1:02:52 Meanwhile, things are taking place. Unknown Speaker 1:02:55 Crazy. I mean, we're seeing the dictionary being changed right before our very eyes. Yeah, by SJW not done not following the normal rules of developing a dictionary. But are you ready for it? This is really, really sad. Sure. It's gonna get me irked. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:03:12 You've probably corrected people when they say it regardless. Unknown Speaker 1:03:18 It was funny you say that? Because I almost had the megan kelly clip that we have in the archives. Unknown Speaker 1:03:25 megan kelly, you can look it up Megyn Kelly clip and it's her saying saying ear regardless? Really? Yes. even find it? Yes, yes. Yes. Here it is. Hold on, who is doing this to him in the interview. And if you watch the whole thing, she didn't give him a lot of opportunity to respond. And he just lost his patience because he was irritated by the interviewer in regardless irrespective of gender. So she corrects herself, but it turns out she didn't have to. Ah. Unknown Speaker 1:03:54 According to Merriam Webster, Merriam Webster, who recently changed the term preference to be bad. Unknown Speaker 1:04:03 Just says, Oh, yeah, it's non standard. It's non standard, but it can be used they have right here frequently asked questions about irregardless. Is it a word? Yes. It may not be a word that you like. It says it here literally in the dictionary. Yes. irregardless may not be a word that you like, or a word that you would use in a term paper. But irregardless certainly is a word. It has been in use for well over 200 years employed by a large number of people across a wide geographic range with a consistent meaning. That is why we end well nigh every other Dictionary of modern English define this word. Remember that a definition is not endorsement of a words use. Unknown Speaker 1:04:46 Well, if you can use the problem the way you do develop word dictionaries, by the way, people don't know this. dictionaries are copyrighted. Yes, yes. We have discussed this is worth hearing it again. Yes. And so no two dictionaries are Unknown Speaker 1:05:00 are quite alike because they have to develop the there. And that's why the most of them are old and establish their own definitions. And they've oldest one of the oldest is in general uses the Oxford English Dictionary, which is a monster. And it's, it's, it's the it's the definitive dictionary and everybody else is kind of like an offshoot, but Webster the various Webster's and Merriam Webster and all the rest, but you have to develop your, your definitions yourself and you have to write your own definitions individually for each word, and you have to document you don't have to do this last part. But you're supposed to if you're a dictionary maker, document the usage. So you can Unknown Speaker 1:05:42 have some rationale for having the word in the dictionary in the first place. I have it here. I have it here for the Oxford English Dictionary usage. Unknown Speaker 1:05:51 irregardless is widely heard perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as irrespective, but should be avoided by careful users of English use regardless to mean without regard or consideration, or nevertheless. Unknown Speaker 1:06:08 But that would be the definitive definition. So they're kind of saying Yeah, it's a word because people use it, but you're an idiot if you use it. Unknown Speaker 1:06:16 You have to document usage to put it in there in the first place. I would like to I would like a word included in the dictionary. I have a new word. Unknown Speaker 1:06:25 Okay, I'm an independent. Unknown Speaker 1:06:29 I think you are an independent independent. How do you spell it though? In Unknown Speaker 1:06:34 pawn dependent? independent a ntpa Mt. And pawn pundants independent it should be in the dictionary? Well, sure to embiggen Unknown Speaker 1:06:46 I'm all in on embiggen. However, there is a war there is a war going on right now. It looks like we're going to lose a letter from the alphabet. We've been tracking this letter for a long time. It is quite offensive. It is what it is. Well of course because the President's last name starts with this we we are so angry at Unknown Speaker 1:07:06 so angry at President Trump that we are going to remove the tea from the dictionary Unknown Speaker 1:07:13 we've already started with important Unknown Speaker 1:07:18 correct Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. Important. Here is the new version. A new word where we once again are dropping our T's really WGS Washington correspondent Kelly Meyer joins us now live with the very latest Kelly Good evening you're right it could be at any second and that confirmation looks all But sir in Unknown Speaker 1:07:41 us for a long time Unknown Speaker 1:07:43 buy a lot of female idiots sir, they will say sir and many broadcasters well this is a broadcaster and that confirmation looks all but certain certain sir answer and Saran is what it is sir. And Unknown Speaker 1:07:59 certain How do you spell the OD es IR and diversification you know if I was a station manager? Yes. Right away. You get one you got you got one more. One more. You got that? That was it. That was your one shot because you got to at least give them a warning because it may be Unknown Speaker 1:08:17 the way you pronounce certain. button, sir. She says Sir, sir. You bring her in. You're sure the tape. You say you say that one more time. You're fired right immediately. Yeah, under spot. Unknown Speaker 1:08:32 I'm not the station manager. Neither are you. No, no, I don't have the heart for that. We'd have to be kick ass station managers. Yeah, we'd be like, Hey, come here. Spin around. Unknown Speaker 1:08:45 See if we can put you on the air. Unknown Speaker 1:08:50 Wasn't that what roger ailes said? I think yeah, I think it was that Yeah. Spin around. Spin around from you see if you're good enough for the air. Yeah, man. Oh, man. All right. So those days are over. I think we should do to topic the good old good times. Remember that john? Good times. Good time. I remember the story. I want to make sure I tell the story. Because this was the me to moment I witness at the time. Honestly, all of MTV was all in on it. So the new the second wave of vj is included Kevin co carolyne heldman. Unknown Speaker 1:09:27 China kantner and carolyne heldman was brought in to be kind of the girl next door she was from Boulder Colorado. You know kind of a cutesy you know, Unknown Speaker 1:09:40 middle America type girl but you know with the with the rosy cheeks, Girl Next Door type Yeah, but actually a Thai Americana. Yeah. And, and then one day she came in and she was wearing shorts, which you know, it's super appropriate No problem, but hairy legs. Unknown Speaker 1:10:00 And the way it worked, you know that you'd be Unknown Speaker 1:10:04 recording in the studio and they had the girl next door with hair hair. Like, this sounds like a title for a funny book. But it was, yeah, it was reading on screen. I mean, you could see it's like, oh man, see the hair all over her. Unknown Speaker 1:10:17 First suit up at seven su th IR SGD is as you can fuzz, spell it. So we sent you it we were at 515 515. East, Broadway. No. 515 East 57th. I'm sorry. That's where the studio was up at 1775. Broadway, where they had the feed from the studio where the executives, you know, people are visiting in their office. Oh, yeah, I've got to get the VH one feed. I've got the MTV feed over there. Take a look what's going on. And they saw this and they called down. And it was in my friend Steve leads job to go and talk to him. Unknown Speaker 1:10:55 Hey, man, you really got to shave your legs. In fact, you got to put something on, because we just can't have you on camera like that. And she was offended. And ultimately, she got fired over it. Unknown Speaker 1:11:10 She had to have hairy legs. Know that she didn't want to shave her legs or kind of saying I mean she she personally have. Yeah, well, I guess I putting it in in kind of a different way. But she didn't want to shave her legs. Just like I didn't want to cut my hair. I did I got fired over that too. So well, you know, maybe if she has stood up for herself like you did. We have we have a whole different trend. Yeah. And and right now it would be cool to have just big hairy legs. So the women that had the most hairy legs were the hottest. Got hairy legs. Unknown Speaker 1:11:48 Okay, thank you. Good, good timing. Unknown Speaker 1:11:52 So two things we need to talk about. Of course, I watched as much as I could stomach of the section 230 Unknown Speaker 1:12:00 hearing, which really was all about hunter Biden in general. It was about hunter Biden. Unknown Speaker 1:12:09 And about where they brought them they brought Yeah, they brought in Zuckerberg Why didn't bring him in it was everybody was on I know they're at home. This is this was lousy. I only have one clip from it's got nothing to do with section 230. I have a section 230 clip that's different. What you want to play that first, let's do it. Well, my section 230 clip has got nothing to do with the hearings. It's got the Trump era I got a bunch of Trump clips in Arizona. Unknown Speaker 1:12:34 And Trump said any Trump is unbelievable. I mean, the fact that they're not covering any of this is just beyond me. But I go to bed every night and think whatever he's doing, I hope I have that when I'm 73. He did three to three a day now. Yeah, he's doing three day jumps on the plane goes to does another hour, hour and a half hour 20 depending on where he goes. But he was this. This was the end of the days. He was he's actually in Goodyear, Arizona, where it's really outside of Phoenix. And this is the Phoenix. So actually, this wasn't before that he did a thing before that. And this is where it comes out what he's doing is sticky still lively before when he gets to Phoenix, he kind of starts to poop out. But for him, which does is pretty energetic. Yeah. So this is Trump Arizona second to 30 comments and I have to give you the visual after he says what he's about to say you can't find it anywhere, anywhere. Unknown Speaker 1:13:36 To vote to support our police support our military defend our second amendment which is under Unknown Speaker 1:13:43 stand up to China Unknown Speaker 1:13:48 your more products are proudly Sam with that beautiful phrase you know the phrases made in the USA Unknown Speaker 1:13:59 we will deliver record prosperity, epic job growth and a safe vaccine is coming very quickly you're gonna have it momentarily that eradicate the virus and we're rounding the turn regardless, you know that we've got the vaccine. I say regardless, they'll say well, maybe you don't we have a great companies and quickly ends the pandemic should have never come here from China. They should have never let it out. We'll never forget. All over the world all over the world. You see what's happening in Europe all over the world. normal life will fully resume as what we want right normal life. Unknown Speaker 1:14:39 And next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. Unknown Speaker 1:14:47 A vote for sleepy Joe Biden and he is a sleepy guy. Unknown Speaker 1:14:53 It's a powerful party. And the party is totally joined with a fake news video the lamestream Media right there. Unknown Speaker 1:15:00 They're totally joined with a big, big tech. I don't know section 230. Does anyone know what section 230? section 230? I think wha wha what is that? I mean, the crowd is the By the way, the crowd is literally dumb. There's like one section What? I did not hear any response glass because I cut it off. Oh, okay. They did was another applause most of those pauses were very long and I slipped them in there. seamless. Unknown Speaker 1:15:32 Notice it was so see. Unknown Speaker 1:15:35 The beginning i don't know what happened. But what's the visual? What's the visual we got to have? He says section 230 walk when he says Wha? He does his throat slit move? Oh, Unknown Speaker 1:15:49 I don't think so. Unknown Speaker 1:15:52 And I analyze this. Unknown Speaker 1:15:55 First for those for everybody, maybe it'd be good to have a little reminder about the pertinent section of the pertinent, pertinent text in Section 230. And, and what this was back in 96. And it was brilliant. It was very smart that we did this back then, in order to build cool things on the internet without being sued necessarily, from what we then called user generated content do us g us G's The Way to go, man, yeah, we're building a whole network of us G, we're gonna throw slap some ads on that and be billionaires. So we were talking about USG and so that you could host a service, which could be just like our mastodon server, which by the way, we do have six and a half thousand people on that server. And just as a side note, administrative note, we are moving it to a new facility since gosh, it takes a little bit more than you'd think. So for people who are like, doing work Shut up, that's not easy to run airliner is doing a yeoman's job on that. And also Yeomans, so we may have some downtime, it could be half an hour to an hour, in the next week or two, it could be a whole day if it goes wrong. But we are moving that so when it happens, okay, just look at the floor, the spinning will stop eventually you'll be okay, you'll be okay. I promise you people go crazy when it's done. So, section 230 is important for building however, it was limited. So that if you wanted to take something off of your site, you had certain legal language you could follow to remove that. And it's it's honestly very broadly written. And so it needs to be defined. But here is what you can do. So you are you are allowed as a me for no agenda social or Facebook or Twitter knows there's no difference according to the law. Any action voluntarily taken in good faith, I can indeed restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user so it could be me or someone just using it considers to be and these are the key terms, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violence. Unknown Speaker 1:18:29 And the one that I don't like is harassing or otherwise objectionable, comma, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected. Unknown Speaker 1:18:43 That's so broad, and that is what they are hiding behind and without fail, Pichai from Google's Zuckerberg from face bag. Dorsey from Twitter, all were signaling before they had to appear before the Senate. Wow, it would be really bad if you took that away because little startups they couldn't compete. Unknown Speaker 1:19:07 wouldn't be able to compete. Oh, please don't take it away. Please regulate it. So we can be the strongest mofos on the block in the whole hearing. If it wasn't about republican saying, Well you censor conservative voices, and all this crying bullcrap. Because you know my stance go starting your own code, please. I got it. Unknown Speaker 1:19:31 Start we started on network. We got enough people. It's fun over there. We don't need we're not narcissistic that we have to be viewable for the whole world of Twitter, although some people are. So they were it was really a circle jerk of epic proportions. But there are a couple of things and attitudes that I wanted to highlight in. The first one is Mark Zuckerberg, in his opening statement, which he was reading from a teleprompter was kind of pathetic, because you could see his eyes moving reading the text. There. Were Unknown Speaker 1:20:00 So Unknown Speaker 1:20:01 some of the other guys, Dorsey didn't have a teleprompter for sure. He was reading off the screen. But you know, Zuckerberg had God knows what's going on. Can I can I give a teleprompter? tip for people out there? Oh, wait, yeah, this is very important people might find themselves using a teleprompter. teleprompter. Uh, it's gonna depend on your eyesight. But if you're farsighted or you have glasses or anything, you you want the teleprompter as far away from you as possible. You want a big teleprompter, you don't want these little cheap ones, these little cheapy little phone size teleprompters. You want a teleprompter that is big. And way back, you know, and the camera has to have a zoom lens, it goes through the teleprompter, it looks at you, uh, or, you know, the other people use cue cards, which is the old way. Because when you're when the teleprompter is far enough back, you can't see the eyeballs going back and forth. Unknown Speaker 1:20:56 Through the closer it is, the more your eyeballs go back and forth. And the more it's apparent that you're reading from a prompter, just so you know, just a tip, just the tip, just a tip. So I'd like to review an important piece of American law, which is the First Amendment. And just to reiterate, we've done it for 13 years so far when our 14th year. This is not a right that is given to you by the document, the Bill of Rights is a document that explains the restrictions on the government what the government is not allowed to do to your already inherent and as many would believe God given rights. So the First Amendment to the United States Constitution does not say, you can say what you want. No, it starts off by saying, Congress, that's our American government shall make no law Unknown Speaker 1:21:49 respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. Unknown Speaker 1:22:02 And there's another line there, but that's the most important part. So it speaks of freedom of speech that cannot be abridged, Congress can make no law that will abridge that. Unknown Speaker 1:22:13 But what's interesting, in Mark Zuckerberg entire testimony and his initial statement, he does not use freedom of speech. He uses the term freedom of expression. Unknown Speaker 1:22:28 And I find that very interesting because freedom of expression is no way the same as freedom of speech. In fact, the definition of expression is the process of making one note making known ones thoughts or feelings, or perhaps a political viewpoint. That is, it's not the same as free speech. And when he equates that to the First Amendment, he's a douchebag. So let's listen to his a bit of his opening statement, Chairman wicker Ranking Member Cantwell and members of the committee. Every day, millions of Americans use the internet to share their experiences and discuss issues that matter to them. Setting the rules for online discourse is an important challenge for our society. And there are principles at stake that go beyond any one platform. How do we balance free expression and safety? How do we define what is dangerous? Who should decide? I don't believe that private companies should be making so many decisions about these issues by themselves. But at Facebook, we often have to balance competing equities. Sometimes the best approach from a safety or security perspective isn't the best for privacy or free expression, excellent work with experts across society to strike the right balance. We don't always get it right. But we try to be fair and consistent. The reality is that people have very different ideas and views about where the lines should be. Democrats often say that we don't remove enough content. And republicans often say we removed too much. I expectable. Here some of those criticisms today. And the fact that both sides criticize us doesn't mean that we're getting this right. But it does mean that there are real disagreements about where the limits of online speech should be. I think that's understandable. People can reasonably disagree about where to draw the lines. And that's a hallmark of democratic societies, especially here in the us with our strong first amendment tradition. Okay, massive, massive douchebag key just called our First Amendment, a tradition, Unknown Speaker 1:24:35 a tradition. Unknown Speaker 1:24:37 This is how these eight holes think about stuff on the lines, listen, and that's a hallmark of democratic societies, especially here in the us with our strong first amendment tradition, tradition. It unbelievable. He cannot say free speech, freedom of speech. He's not capable of it. What everyone was talking about my Unknown Speaker 1:25:00 Blowing hate speech. They spent hours. Well what defines hate speech? Which, of course, is legally not defined. And you had actual senators talking about hate speech as if it's a thing. Unknown Speaker 1:25:18 Oh, hate speech? Guess what? I hate you. I hate you. I hate every single one of you. I hate you. Is that illegal? Unknown Speaker 1:25:29 It's mind boggling. But doesn't matter, because this is what he really wants. Zuckerberg wants the big regulation. So he and his company and his other cohorts will be the only ones who can actually adhere to it, because you need lawyers, and AI and all kinds of people check in me. I want to slow you down there. A, first of all, I think that was written by a lawyer. Of course, it was. Absolutely. Which makes you really, I mean, that makes should make it even more more uncomfortable. Yeah, because the guy, one thing can't think for himself. And he had a lawyer write this because it sounds very legal ease. And if you're gonna bring into point that this is designed to get it so only these companies can survive, because of the need for layers of lawyers, it would make sense that a lawyer would write this up exactly. And that's what this whole exercise was. And I would say two thirds, if not more of, even the people pushing back, are getting money from these Silicon Valley companies that one of the biggest lobbyists, Unknown Speaker 1:26:34 pocketbooks in all of Washington, DC, everybody knows it. They all know that's why these dicks don't have to even get on their private jet to come fly and testify testify in person. Now, we'll just do it on the WebEx. So here's what he really wants. Right now the discussion is focused on section 230. Some say that ending to 30 would solve all of the internet's problems. Others say it would end the internet as we know it. From our perspective, section 230 does two basic things. First, it encourages free expression, which is fundamentally important. Without to 30 platforms could potentially be held liable for everything that people say they face much greater pressure to take down more content to avoid legal risk. Second, if platform it allows platforms to moderate content, without to 30, platforms could face liability for basic moderation, like removing harassment, that impacts the safety of their communities. Now, there's a reason why America leads and technology section 230 helped create the internet as we know it, it has helped new ideas get built and our companies to spread American values around the world. And we should maintain this advantage that the internet has also evolved. And I think that Congress should update the law to make sure that it's working as intended, one important place to start would be making content moderation systems more transparent. Another would be to separate good actors from bad actors by making sure that companies can't hide behind section 230. To avoid responsibility for intentionally facilitating illegal activity on their platforms. Unknown Speaker 1:28:11 So that's where the that's where it comes in. We'll make moderation more transparent, which means you'll have to have a moderation department and ahead of moderation and VP of moderation. And then the HR or chief to file reports, TPS reports, all that stuff, exactly. Route, file, all your reports. But what else are you doing now? Please go ahead. Well, I was gonna say there's one little giveaway in there that I think was overlooked by everybody. And it was, I think that is fundamental that people understand it. And Zuckerberg just threw it out there just casually and I think it was really reflective of something bigger. And something bigger that should be noted. He says that Democrats think that we don't remove enough. Mm hmm. And republicans say we remove too much. Yes. That is a major indictment of the Democrat Party. And and democrat thinking in general, they want censorship, Chip, they want the lockdown. They want everything, you know, control of the public. They want more control. The Republicans are just the opposite. And this is according to Zuckerberg in his observations. That's a good point. Let me just pick that up there and go beyond anyone who wasn't here. How do we balance free expression and safety? How do we define what is dangerous? Who should decide? I don't believe that private companies should be making so many decisions about these issues by themselves. But at Facebook, we often have to balance competing parties. Sometimes the best approach from a safety or security perspective, best for privacy or free expression. So we work with experts across the side. Yeah, we don't always get it right. But we try is that people have very different ideas and the game is about where the lines should be. Democrats are Unknown Speaker 1:30:00 often say that we don't remove enough content. And republicans often say we removed too much. That's interesting that he brought that up at all in that context, isn't it? Yeah. I mean, this there that he's obviously observed, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm just a sloth. Who doesn't count. It's his observation that he probably said it for the for the context of the of the hearing, but that's, it's very good. What you what you pick up from that? Yeah, I think it's like it It isn't that, you know, it's not important. It's important, is important. But he play you Yo, yeah, yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:30:36 Of course, I personally feel that if you have a link to something and you say, hey, looky here, this is a link to some cool ass crap, there should be no reason for them to be taken that down. That is not on your platform, the content is not living on your servers is taking. So it is pretty much the currency of the internet is the link. So you can link out now we know why they don't want it. And I'm going to my pictures very short advertising equals censorship. That's the bottom line. I don't care who you are, what you think. If there's advertising in play, you have to self censor, because you will lose your advertisers. advertisers are everything. I want to go back to the earlier days of the internet, right? And say we're on 90, say web, the early days of the web, okay. 990. threes, when it started, say about 95 and 95, a viewer and I was doing a lot of internet writing at the time I was writing for. There were a lot of big time publishers, big boys. And they always would say the same thing. Oh, my god, you're linking out. Unknown Speaker 1:31:48 What are you thinking, man? You can't put links in your column. You're linking out because I'm taking people out of the site. I think the New York Times didn't even link out for the longest time. I think the New York Times never linked out until just recently when they finally had to. Unknown Speaker 1:32:05 And this was demoed. Oh, oh, you're killing us. You're linking out you're gonna. They're never gonna come back. Which I always felt was bullcrap. That's why I never biog argued the other side. I said, No, you giving him the opportunity to look at that, come back, come back for specific. Mike column, they're coming back. Unknown Speaker 1:32:24 Well, I can tell you right now, this will only lead to one thing. Everything is going to be on a blockchain. And there'll be no control. And it will be there forever. And people are going to love it. It'll work just like Twitter, and or face bag or whatever. And these companies will have no control, they are going to lose. They're going to lose complete control. And by the way, look at the statistics on Twitter. It's it's really a small amount of people in the United States. Most of the loudest ones are really democratic voting. Unknown Speaker 1:32:59 Political zealots. They're on there for that reason. Yes, they do a Pew study show that yes, yes. They're on there for that reason, Twitter a Democrat. Yeah. Which is fine, because the other ones have been rousted. But But let's let's be on Unknown Speaker 1:33:15 your on no agenda, social calm. it's enjoyable, I get all the everything I need from that. How about you? Unknown Speaker 1:33:25 Well, it turns out and I've found this effect before, if you're really into something and you want as you get a point to make I add our our, you know, I had to you want to put it on one of these micro blogs, which is what these are a, you just want to get it out of your system, right? And it turns out, you get the same satisfaction of sending it out to the suppose that 102,000 followers I have on Twitter, or they are the 2000 followers I have on no agenda social Unknown Speaker 1:33:56 effects the same Unknown Speaker 1:33:59 nine app I think I get better response from those agenda social, you get better response. Sure. And, and by the way, I don't know if I've mentioned this, people are exactly the same every day. There's 123 reports. me just patient posted something hospital. Unknown Speaker 1:34:18 Picture a and of course I get the reports as the admin and I just look at and I shake my head like wow, everybody needs Daddy, me, me me. He's running a bot and didn't include me. Unknown Speaker 1:34:37 human behavior is remarkable. And with that, I'd like to thank you for your courage to say in the morning to you the man who put the C in sir Unknown Speaker 1:34:47 john c. devorah. Blender morning you miss Jan McCurry. Also in the morning all she boots on the ground feet in the air subs in the last days and nights in the morning to the trolls in the troll room, hands up trolls. Let's take it Unknown Speaker 1:35:00 1696 trolls on deck, you can find it but no agenda stream.com on show days, we have a stream there. So you go to the chat stream starts, you're listening to something it's always playing. And if it's not one of our many live shows, and it's podcasts that are all done all commercials, no all talk no commercials. And we have some great programming. And you can hang out with people and talk about the show or anything you want. And while you're in there, hit people up for an invite to this no agenda social.com that we've been talking about. You can get it from anybody, anybody who's on no agenda social.com can give you that invite, and which of course always has people sending me email saying, Hey, give me Me, me. No, I'm like, I'm Bannon is gonna get worse. I'm banning invites you go, you gotta go find it yourself as a barrier to entry, if you're really serious about it. And that is our non algodones federated social media site, which is the future of social media. And it integrates beautifully across multiple servers, you can cut off people if you're not interested in hearing their whole group's message, which is what a lot of people have done to us, but that's okay, the ones that, that are connected to us care, and there's reasons for it. So it's, it's actually quite a quite a very good self organizing system. And also, we'd like to thank the artist for our 13th anniversary artwork, in this honor went to mountain J. Who brought us those, of course was the The show was 1289 1289. We titled it post orange, which some people took to be as a reference to a clockwork orange, which really, when you think about it is quite interesting and analogy. But this was, oh, that's actually Wow, isn't that good? I thought you'd like that. Unknown Speaker 1:36:59 is also in Clockwork Orange is everything's dark and black. And then you have the orange to contrast that. I mean, it's there's a lot there. So this was 13 years. Curry Dvorak, the best podcasting universe, we got a bell on there. 13 years, we had a goat got to honor the goat. And it was Unknown Speaker 1:37:16 I think you you'd like this one right off the bat, if I recall. Well, because I like the other one she did. Unknown Speaker 1:37:24 Mountain Jay did one for the previous show that I think he uses the pre show. And I liked that one a lot. And I thought that this newer one, which was an update would have been better served with a white background. Right. And we did contemplate changing that. But I think I said to tell you the next. Unknown Speaker 1:37:45 But then again, Unknown Speaker 1:37:48 if you were an art director, and you had her, I would have I would have said two things. I'd have said one, let's get it back a white background on that. And center. Right, the thing that got the middle there, so but it was a nice piece. And as Unknown Speaker 1:38:04 Darren pointed out in the in the commentaries on the new agenda, social he said this is the first time to women in a row. Unknown Speaker 1:38:13 One, was that true? Is that true? Oh my goodness. I know that. Yeah. Ah. Unknown Speaker 1:38:20 Are we sure? Well, Danny said Congrats, babes. Unknown Speaker 1:38:25 Really? Unknown Speaker 1:38:28 Congrats, babes. Why doesn't that surprise me somehow? Unknown Speaker 1:38:33 Ah, Unknown Speaker 1:38:35 well, this is the value for value model where we like to thank people for sending one of the three necessities so we provide a show to your listening to it. If you're spending your time on it, clearly, there's some value in it for some value in it for you. We would like you to give that back to us. We have three T's. Remember, this is the most hated letter in the alphabet. So as you're I'm your Alan or your Azure, your time, your talent or your treasure. And we'd like to thank our top supporters financially in this first, this first segment, they become our executive producers and associate executive producers and I am very proud to say Unknown Speaker 1:39:17 for those of you who for years, have been putting this credit. You see it everywhere LinkedIn. You see it on social media profile. Some will say I was the executive producer of Episode 1290 of the no agenda show. And as we say these credits are real. The proof is in the pudding. And the proof comes from Unknown Speaker 1:39:40 our Hollywood producer Dana Brunetti. If you go to his IMDb you will see his credits for 50 Shades of Grey 50 shades, freed House of Cards, multiple episodes. And right there at the top. Ladies and gentlemen. Keep watching Unknown Speaker 1:40:00 associated executive producer one episode no agenda 2020 that proves it. These credits are real. Yeah, actually fact. We're, it's a big deal to have somebody at his level to do that. No kidding. He even put in if you if you click through to it even put in the number like the minute number, it's like one hour, two minutes, one hour, two minutes. It's where it's where his credit was recognized. Yeah, you know, we don't he doesn't need to go that far. But it's funny. Let's start with Neil Harrison, who comes in from Auburn, Michigan. leading the pack today is $666 and 67 cents. He actually sent in two checks for some unknown reason for saying Okay, uh huh. And he sent a note and he also has one of those handwriting's is very Frenchie, friends ITM and by the time you get this happy belated 13th anniversary your show has become an invaluable to me, as it has to many others. So thank you and all the producers who gave before I got hit in the mouth. So that so that there could be a show to get hooked on. Ah, but he's saying there is. Unknown Speaker 1:41:16 Thanks for being on for so long because he probably would have missed it. Right? Anyways. Unknown Speaker 1:41:22 Please find the enclosed. Okay, what are you gonna do? Now that we've Unknown Speaker 1:41:27 established it as I think Merriam Webster Merriam Webster needs to add any ways with a Z as an official spelling of the word and you might as well do anywho anywho Unknown Speaker 1:41:39 while you're at it, throw in anywho Yeah, anywho anywho please find the enclosed 666667 which is like regeneron for my previous douchebaggery nice sorry about giving two checks at once a result a rather poor planning I think in they had different dates so I think it was gonna send a check in and Unknown Speaker 1:41:59 but it works out well if we just say that it was on purpose and in honor of my two favorite TV shows in spectrum wars, and inspector Lewis, which I just recently found out had 33 episodes each typical Unknown Speaker 1:42:16 dreams this comes up with this girl. Look, this donation takes me into knighthood. So if you would please pronounce the Kate. There's another word that should be in there. Yes. Pronounce to Kate me, sir. Doing a bunk of the Northern mitten. Mm hmm. Okay, get your pet. Get your pencil. I'm ready to go. For the roundtable. Please provide me some Beck's. And a big old bag of Haribo gummy bears. Now there's a combination I wouldn't wish on anybody. You sit here and gummy bears. You've never seen it. Go read the amazon.com review of Haribo gummy bears. It's a very funny review. What does it say? Cuz I eat those once in a while. Oh, you've never seen that. Oh, it's like the longest thread in internet history of people telling their experience after eating a whole bag. though. I don't know if you'd want to eat a whole bag of one. Oh, no, it's it's it's a very nasty thread. It's it's not Am I yeah, I should go take away you have like one and No, no. Unknown Speaker 1:43:21 Not on that thread. For jingles f cancer. That's true. And one more time one of your choosing. Unknown Speaker 1:43:29 So you got f cancer and that's true and a happy new, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and all the other producers out there. And then he says john, would you provide me with an email address for a producer involved with the Michigan meetups Unknown Speaker 1:43:46 and then he has his email I will not read his so I will try to do that. I probably forget about it. But somebody from Michigan will remind me and then I'll do it. Okay, so since it's up to me You should be in those meetups Michigan is is one of the most sociable states in the country and their local number one just has meetups constantly Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:44:07 Okay, we'll do an old I will do an old he will do an old an old classic here. Unknown Speaker 1:44:21 You've got karma. Unknown Speaker 1:44:25 Next on the list is anonymous. Unknown Speaker 1:44:29 Now I want to complain about this particular note. He says this brings me to Aussie dollar knighthood I was sent a note an email note which he did. But I don't understand why he didn't put this it was not as his normally here's the way that would go. I'd read his name. Unknown Speaker 1:44:45 And then I go to the note and it would say right at the top of the note which I've done already, luckily. Unknown Speaker 1:44:51 Keep me anonymous. Oh, can you make it a little you know, put it in them? Unknown Speaker 1:44:56 Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Unknown Speaker 1:44:58 All right, so he says nine oh, Unknown Speaker 1:45:00 I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. It's, I'm talking to him now you Unknown Speaker 1:45:05 and all the other Aussies is $366 and 33 cents. It'd be executive producer. Thank you. How much did you have to send 8000 it does turn out to be an Insta night as well. Unknown Speaker 1:45:18 Okay, so what was alright, so I know Yes, keep going. I sent a note. So I'm gonna give you the clips first. He says the one with vocal fry, read the New York Times on my iPad app. You know what that is? Yeah. Unknown Speaker 1:45:31 It's Jill. Yeah, Jill. I got her. I got her. Jill Abrams. And that's true. That's it. That's it. That's just one it's the iPad and that's true. Yeah. Okay, good. Thank you. So it should be as easy Yeah, isn't it 366 33 US dollar donation from anonymous Aussie to the best podcast in the universe. Keep on up with the great work. Uh, it was one of these notes that scrolls to infinity. Unknown Speaker 1:45:59 Keeping resizing amygdalas world wide. Can I please get a health karma Unknown Speaker 1:46:06 for my mother and father who are both fighting non covered related illnesses? This is 33333 plus an extra 33 to bring me to knighthood. In deflated Aussie dollar she has some accounting here. Accounting below I turned 50 this Riga nice put this on their birthday shout out would be huge, too. We need an anonymous shot to anonymous or actually he's gonna here's his name. Okay. Hold on. Yeah, I didn't I didn't get this. No. So I didn't send it to Eric. on the list. Okay, sir. pentene Unknown Speaker 1:46:41 Night of the Red Cliff peninsula. Unknown Speaker 1:46:47 And then he says, Unknown Speaker 1:46:49 Give me that name. If there are no title disputes. Let me think. I'm pretty sure there is no sir. pentene and one day Unknown Speaker 1:47:00 is today I think, Okay, well, he's getting it today. I turned 50 this week. Unknown Speaker 1:47:05 So he's gonna be 50 All right, sir. Sir. Sir. penting Night of the Redcliffe peninsula. Got it. Okay, it's a lot of extra work. Sorry. Okay. And then you can jingle him out. Okay, here we go. You know, obviously, I read I read the New York Times, like all day long, Manley on my iPad. That's true. Unknown Speaker 1:47:30 That's true. Unknown Speaker 1:47:32 Yeah, we asked for health karma. I'm sorry. Karma. You've got karma. Unknown Speaker 1:47:39 Wouldn't want to forget that. Speak of the devil. Dana Brunetti Whoa, there he is. 333 dot 33 from Los Angeles, California. Unknown Speaker 1:47:52 Now I already know that I may add to this in the morning and Happy Anniversary from golden cloud ranch where since March I've been living in an Airstream with my smokin hot fiance Alex Yes. And we've seen the airstream and Alex yes Unknown Speaker 1:48:08 it's a big it's Alex. Yeah, Alex is pretty and the airstream and it's bigger than the one I had. I think he has the he has the monster one it's really good. He has the max Airstream. Yeah, it's but and I do want to ask him Are you also a little disappointed with the finishing? I mean it's really it's kind of shoddy right stuff was a little off center. That's it just want to say that you have you know, Airstream should call you and give you a free Airstream to shut you up I would reject it. Unknown Speaker 1:48:37 Oh Adam please check the grammar on this anyways, Unknown Speaker 1:48:42 I realized after my donation to the last show that I made a terrible $83 mistake and ended up with an associate producer credits oh my god Unknown Speaker 1:48:54 everyone in Hollywood knows that it's what's given to an assistant rather than a raise Unknown Speaker 1:49:04 I tell you what, kid you can be associate Executive Associate Executive Associate Producer I can use some more money on this is better believe it's like you're gonna miss like executive VP and corporate structure it's the same thing. You got a raise with no you got a new title no raise. Yeah, that's a classic. We must correct this before a future deals of mine are adversely affected by this precedent. Can I send in another 83 to adjust that credit or is it now written in stone? Oh man, I think it's written in stone. Come back as written written is read anyways. And let me know it's written and signed last donation and potential future donations. Please feel free to pick a credit of mind for you. So in the show, it's not just the same one every time please. Oddly from the associate executive producer Episode 1287. Have no agenda has got no traction for any project. Unknown Speaker 1:50:00 Same pitching must be because of the COVID. Hopefully, I made it under the wire for your 13th Anniversary Show. He kind of did this is still the anniversary and I have opened it. Unknown Speaker 1:50:13 I meant to send it yesterday but spent today moving dirt. And then I went over to my neighbor's property and drank whiskey until I fell over. Also dance. Unknown Speaker 1:50:24 Hey, welcome to farming community. Central Valley Carmel is also to answer Adams questions last week my land is unfortunately not a weed farm. Though some of my neighbors have grown some nice buds for personal use. Beautiful john can give more color to what I'm doing here per our separate correspondence. And if you want to see pics you're not too afraid of Instagram. I'm at Dana Wow. Unknown Speaker 1:50:49 Okay, well you can go look at the pics. Please give me some sharp 10 A Sharpton Unknown Speaker 1:50:57 and a Biden just shoot him in the leg. Unknown Speaker 1:51:01 But I don't remember that. I mean, I just played it earlier you shoot him shoot and now you said hairy legs. Oh I had Unknown Speaker 1:51:10 a shoot him in the leg earlier fall by something to help my sore head and no it's not sore from last night's whiskey from being a dumb ass and flipping my side by side port Polaris Polaris that's it Unknown Speaker 1:51:25 Yeah, we flipped it so you can get killed on those things became anniversary again and congrats on the best podcast in the universe. Wow. That is so nice to hear from you and is almost a knighthood already. So what is this? That's when he gets to have a cool title. What's the What's this? This separate correspondence he speaks of? a semi I sent him a note to say something I asked him I wouldn't know where it was. No, no, no, don't lie. Don't lie. You said about that big part. Yeah, I need a big part. Unknown Speaker 1:51:55 And you what he said he said kid I'll call you in the morning. Unknown Speaker 1:52:03 Getting lunch. Unknown Speaker 1:52:10 In the race. Unknown Speaker 1:52:15 We've ESP ICT all gt ESP ICT Unknown Speaker 1:52:26 we must Unknown Speaker 1:52:30 we must. Unknown Speaker 1:52:32 We must Unknown Speaker 1:52:34 and we will Unknown Speaker 1:52:40 be committed. Unknown Speaker 1:52:43 Got Unknown Speaker 1:52:45 karma. Oh my goodness. Dana. Thank you. Thank you for bringing the Dana thank you for bringing the laughter today. It's nice, Jamie's fuka Motors Next on the list from Salem, Virginia. 33333. Thanks again for the best podcast in the universe. Thanks for continuing to do the work since Today's my 33rd birthday. How many people have their 33rd birthday and get called out on this show a lot. It's unbelievable to me. Well, these people started listening when they were 22. Unknown Speaker 1:53:16 I figured another donation of 3333 be appropriate if Adam could kick in a penny. Yeah, that brings me to 1000 Here we go. Unknown Speaker 1:53:25 There it is. Unknown Speaker 1:53:27 You're in is that acceptable? Then Sir James Fukumoto will do for me and some or old forester 1920 to sip on at the roundtable. It would be great. I ordered that and honestly, I did crack it and I did have a sip. So yes, it's coming for you. Unknown Speaker 1:53:45 But do you think is a good? No. I haven't had that piece a little better than the 21. Unknown Speaker 1:53:52 Please. All right. Uh huh. All right. Unknown Speaker 1:53:56 Do we have any? No no requests? That's it. Okay, we're good. Jackie green, Jackie green tech green musician. extraordinaire, no. 300. Yeah. He is. Really my family and I are longtime listeners and supporters of the best podcast in the universe. Congrats on 13 years. I'm a musician who tries to make a living to trollops. I says who makes a living on the road? Well, it's been difficult to watch the pandemic and shutdowns completely good. Got an entire mission. And not just the performers but think about sound techs lighting roadies. I mean, everybody Booker's club Booker's promoters it's people are hurt and hurt and they're hurt. Unknown Speaker 1:54:40 So Unknown Speaker 1:54:41 it's been difficult to watch the pandemic and shut down to completely gut an entire industry. It's hard enough to make a living without all the canceled culture and peacocking bullshit and then go and pull this stunt. Go figure says all my spring, summer and fall shows got postponed. I started Unknown Speaker 1:55:00 Doing value for value Constance on my Facebook page Okay, it occurred to me that I should donate to us some of what I would normally spend on advertising for my summer tour. value for value. So here's that dough and a little extra for good measure. Thank you both for you, you you you're thorough deconstruction of the media. I've never been very active on face bag until now but sucking it up, since I'm not sure how else to reach the most people. Way to kick a guy while he's down. COVID So I'd like to send an invite here to all na fans to check out my webcast live from backstage this Sunday 11 one put first Sunday 5pm PST on the Jackie green with an E at the end Jackie g r e n e face bag page well we have a we have a very active face bag community which neither you or I are part of out of principle not for the producers but for the bag and I would like everyone to go check them out on Sunday five o'clock Jackie green with me. Jackie green with an age really good thank you very much Jackie. Unknown Speaker 1:56:07 He's I think he's in Northern California in the Bay Area. Unknown Speaker 1:56:12 somewhere up north up north you can go meet up with the with the producer Yeah. With the with Unknown Speaker 1:56:19 your drive and get beers to get Jackie green and burnetii you could go have some of that whiskey fall over driver TV TV. Don't worry it into the air stream. don't give a crap man. Don't worry. The Glock is on his hip. It's not in his hand. Don't worry. Unknown Speaker 1:56:35 Kyle man's got no Glock. But he does have Unknown Speaker 1:56:40 no I gotta find him areas. Kyle man in Cincinnati 286 for since we first associate executive producer showed world 90 and he wrote a handwritten note which I'm going to have nothing but difficulty reading because there's a term called chicken scratch to style of writing. Unknown Speaker 1:56:59 Oh, john adams donation brings me to a knighthood. I don't know if I listed him Do not Yeah, you guys listen to Jim the title sir man of the center, pronounced that he's got just a scribble. I can't read it. But it's pronounced something. I've been listening on and off since the run up to the 2016 election in that in this time. I finished grad school and have spent several year you know, you could become a doctor and he has spent several years of my first job as something a younger millennial. I'm a younger millennial. Thank you for the info and the entertainment over those years. Sure. Welcome Unknown Speaker 1:57:39 to commemorate over this last year I occasionally I catch you I'm a casualty of the lock downs is anyone Bri a climb mated to normal life after brain injury? Ouch. I got a bad concussion in February and the situation may the recovery quite an ordeal. Yes. A top doctor told me that this fall is is the key to recovery as social med mental, that's probably why he's got this bad handwriting. I look guy that with a garden who's in my gardener for years and he had Unknown Speaker 1:58:12 a concussion and the handwriting is very similar and it was part of his because he had brain damage. Unknown Speaker 1:58:18 Every social psychological has been reverted aggressively ever since luckily I am back to 90% by now and I'd like health karma for myself. Okay, and any other similar for other similar situations anyone with those two months into the recovery in the middle of the block downs while I was still on medical leave. Due to the isolation general stress. My health was declining and I headed out to the American West to go on a month long hiking road trip sleeping in my car. best decision I made this year on this trip that no agenda show was a great way to spend some of the longer legs of driving Keep up the great work best regards Kyle. Unknown Speaker 1:59:04 Thank you Kyle. And I just wanted to mention Unknown Speaker 1:59:08 if you're feeling depressed if you're not eating because this COVID situation depending on where you are in the world can hack can get people down. I've seen with my own eyes that no agenda social.com there's you have family. If you feel lonely, go there and post shit. I don't feel so good. Because people will jump in and will talk with you bit and I've seen this and it's happened more than once. So you just know you do have friends you do have a family, if no agenda nation and there are people who will be more than willing to talk to you and hear you out. That is a public service announcement. Unknown Speaker 1:59:47 Yeah, very good. Sir bar soft. Myron is on the list. 260 bucks from trabuco Canyon, and he needs some jobs coming tuners, jobs, jobs, jobs and Unknown Speaker 2:00:00 Job. Unknown Speaker 2:00:04 Karma. Unknown Speaker 2:00:07 So Lauren lumir in Carlisle, Massachusetts $233. And oh nine cents. She actually sent a card in. Nice card to front and she's in, says Lauren, from Lauren in Phoenix. She's in Phoenix. Okay, I left the coldness and misery of Unknown Speaker 2:00:28 Massachusetts and go to Phoenix. In the morning john and Adam. Thanks for all the deconstruction and work you both put into each and every show. Please accept my first ever donation. Oh, okay. Yeah. A Lenny hit me in the mouth A while ago, but to my knowledge still has not donated Oh, call him out as a douchebag. Unknown Speaker 2:00:52 Have either of you heard of anything on the long term effects of covid infection? There's been a lot a lot written. Yeah, a lot, right. A lot, a lot written. Unknown Speaker 2:01:04 And some say, you know, there was a report today that said Unknown Speaker 2:01:10 your brain is messed up and I've heard about your heart being messed up. And Unknown Speaker 2:01:17 it's very inconclusive. Yeah, and it's varies. There's no consistency whatsoever. Jc had it? no long term anything. Then we had 60 people at the Vegas meetup and I want to ask again, I and we were suit full on Super spreader. I don't think anyone got sick. Yes, because it's not like I said it's over. Okay. Just wanted to make sure I put that out there. But there's the s and there's also COVID co which I thought was because Oh, what is COVID told out? Were No, you can tell me? I'm not in tow pictures. Well COVID tow where your your your all your toes turn yellow and green grody looking. And it looks like they're going off. They're all rotten looking. And then I guess it clears up. It's like Oh, let me take it. Take a look. Check it out. It's like camel toe only different overtone. Oh, there's such stuff like that. See it? Yeah, yeah. Unknown Speaker 2:02:19 This COVID fingers too. I guess there's something but Deathstar. Yes. So there's Yes. There's things that go on. Do you look at my July? Unknown Speaker 2:02:29 Actually, I think Unknown Speaker 2:02:31 smellivision smelling? Unknown Speaker 2:02:34 You know, there were a number of people that tried to produce smell. Oh, I remember that your scratch off cards? Didn't you don't know I'm talking about that hooked to the computer. Oh, God. I think I remember talking about talking about this in some other show. But it's To this day, it still cracks me. Okay. So Lauren's complaining that one of her friends still claims that she's got claims underlined? Because it's one of my pet peeves. Yeah, mild shortness of breath and the inability to completely clear her throat. Betty has this Betty had it? You know, Betty, Unknown Speaker 2:03:06 Betty, so she had to test stayed home. She was sick. She didn't she really felt bad for a couple days. And now it's been three weeks, four weeks now. She still says she has some shortness of breath going upstairs. Yeah. But so yes, I can recall that from the flu too. I mean, I like it. Some people yes. Yeah. Though. So the long and short answer is yes. So your body's probably having some issues. So just be nice. Unknown Speaker 2:03:36 Let's give her Lauren a, just a basic karma. Okay, of course. Unknown Speaker 2:03:43 You've got karma. Unknown Speaker 2:03:46 creamer in Scotts Valley, California $213. I've been holding on he writes to a few dollars for my PPP loan to get my amygdala consultant's. I was on the eight week plan still twiddling my thumbs waiting for the loan to be forgiven. Second, I have been holding on to the attached song to be played at the end of the show. I sent it to you I had no clue that Zephyr route was seasonal in California well no this effort is a California effort seasonal wherever it is. And it's only seasonal recently. I cannot wait and by the way did go to buy today. Unknown Speaker 2:04:19 So still running on Thursdays Yeah. Did it go by did it go by Yeah, yeah. When I saw Oh, hold on what you didn't tell me. What six cars ladies and gentlemen Squawk Box CNBC six cars for this effort. What was the speed Jhansi Dvorak slow, moderate moderate speed. Unknown Speaker 2:04:37 Bitcoin 13,552. Oops. Unknown Speaker 2:04:43 My God. Unknown Speaker 2:04:49 By the way, he cannot wait for the executive producers to rewrite he continues Yeah, the lyrics for this song The songs written by Gary Hart. Rip grant was a member of the power trio Husker do Unknown Speaker 2:05:00 Briscoe do I remember how to do this go do this go do unfortunately two of the stream members could not get along and broke up before making a big on Adams former TV station. Yeah, my only jingle request is an F cancer for my friend Laramie and his son Rylan as they both continue their fight against cancer and leukemia talk. Unknown Speaker 2:05:19 Yes, so Todd sent that song along. I'll just play a little bit. Unknown Speaker 2:05:28 It's about the cow. It's called the California Zephyr. Unknown Speaker 2:05:34 And if he if he rewrites the lyrics, yeah, we'll play it and to show us on Absolutely. And I did just want to make notes. I don't know if you saw the video that came in one of our producers who was a conductor on a train in Victoria. Yeah. And he sent a video any any did a toot for you. Listen. Unknown Speaker 2:06:04 Nice morning. Yeah, you should see a video of him right in the front. You know, the Unknown Speaker 2:06:10 washing the front of the tracks is very cool. No, like, it's on the email. I'll forward it to you probably got blocked somewhere. Unknown Speaker 2:06:20 Wait, wait, wait. A phrase Jefferson. I'm sorry. Just sorry. This song about the California Zephyr is doesn't really Unknown Speaker 2:06:27 feel like this train, right? No, but it couldn't be written to be funny. Now we have to send this f cancer specifically for his friend Laramie and his son Rylan. Unknown Speaker 2:06:43 You've got karma. Unknown Speaker 2:06:48 Even Riley $205 A words from Unknown Speaker 2:06:54 with this donation of $205. I've reached the level of night. I don't think now he's not on the list. Unknown Speaker 2:07:02 Give me a title of Sir Stephen of the Bighorn basin. I would request pizza burgers and Pepsi beer at the round table. I never would have donated without the prodding from my daughter and draw give her the dame hood school and ate a father's day donation on my behalf. Okay, she's the good girl. She got the idea from my sister her aunt Barb. Unknown Speaker 2:07:27 Barb sounds like the son from the from The Andy Griffith and she had Leave it to Beaver. Leaving the beaver Unknown Speaker 2:07:38 she got the idea from my sister, her aunt Barb, who had been encouraging me to become a knight they're both big support. They're a big they're both a big support to me. Unknown Speaker 2:07:50 Anyways, Unknown Speaker 2:07:52 it's over it's over. I have been listening since episode one when it was more like a food and wine show with interesting conversation thrown in back in the day. Yeah, those days are over now this show is indispensable with the media deconstruction the intelligent observations by the both of you Thanks for the great 13 years and stay negative jingles manning the apocalypse was coming Sofia Franklin is scary that's true it's scary. Yeah this Sophie is just as scary and then that's true I'm sure is not I don't believe that's from Sofia. Accounting and he's got the accounting okay. And and a karma or is it just those two? Just go ahead throw it in. Unknown Speaker 2:08:40 All hell is gonna break loose and you're gonna need a Bitcoin Unknown Speaker 2:08:46 you've got karma Unknown Speaker 2:08:52 it's true. You've got the scary from what's scary. Oh, Sophia with an app we don't have we don't have it scary. Unknown Speaker 2:09:03 We don't have that. So what I sent Dave was a recent Oh, we have sent it in is one of those and his show was a clip from her Unknown Speaker 2:09:14 Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood scary. Okay. I understand. Well, we have to do that again then that's that's just nice. So we're just scary come right after Manning right after Manning and then and then it's true. Yeah. This is the story. Yeah, I gotcha. Gotcha. Unknown Speaker 2:09:33 All hell is gonna break loose and you're gonna need a Bitcoin Unknown Speaker 2:09:38 it's scary. Unknown Speaker 2:09:42 Thanks. Unknown Speaker 2:09:44 Okay, that's all I could do. Unknown Speaker 2:09:46 It's good enough. I don't have octopus. Tighten it up. People do it yourself. Just get that out. It'll be fucking Greg Uhlig in pioneer California. $202 and two cents. I cannot find him email from an EU like Oregon. Unknown Speaker 2:10:00 Anything that says subject line donation from anyone would apply. So $202 and two cents from pioneer Jeffrey Madison and he Ellard Ohio is our last associate Executive Producer 200 bucks. First donation no jingles, thank you. Thank ya. Unknown Speaker 2:10:19 Thanks. Thank you. Now I have a note here from the back office Shawn McCune who was an instant night now did we instant night him I think we did but he I don't know if he had anyway here's what it says in the morning Happy Anniversary gentlemen I was instantly on show 1288 There you go. But you couldn't find the notes here does again. pod fathers bless me for I've committed an act of instant notary to gentle my condition of douchebag ness. Please de douche me. Unknown Speaker 2:10:50 You've been juiced and dumped me sir Shawn of the Allah Haney Valley. Unknown Speaker 2:10:57 And so what I shall do slay Ella Haney are Allegheny Allegheny I'm sorry, Allegheny Valley since he's already been knighted as an instant night. We are going to add to the distances already at the table. We're going to add ribs and dietary Pepsi at the roundtable for him. You're going to do an upgrade for him first title change. Unknown Speaker 2:11:18 It's not a title change. He was already instigated. Okay, but that's going to be his new title. That is his official title we repeat. He is hereby officially Unknown Speaker 2:11:30 officially pronounced the cated as sir Shaun of the Allegheny Valley, john Lee hidden with a sledgehammer. Well, hey, he's a knight he can handle it. I'm sure sure it can handle this. Unknown Speaker 2:11:44 All right, that's our Executive Associate executive producer Joe 1290. Want to thank each and every one of them for making this show possible, your show would not be possible without you. And thank you so much. Unknown Speaker 2:11:57 For doing the work, really. And recognizing that this is an actual job. You are now an executive producer, or perhaps some associate executive producer of the best podcast in the universe. No agenda Show Episode 1290. If anyone doubts you, just tell them to go see Dana's IMDB page. And that's pretty sure you could start one yourself now, just by referring to it as well. And we'll be thanking more people who support this program under our value for value proposition later on. If you'd like to support us for Sunday show, please go to our website with the easy to remember URL devora.org. Slash and thank you for your time your talents and your treasure and the value for value network. Our formula is this. We go out Unknown Speaker 2:13:01 Do you have anything on Unknown Speaker 2:13:03 hunter Biden testing? We should probably talk about that for a moment. Oh, enter the Biden gang to new gang now. It's the Biden game. It's called the Biden crime family the by Biden crime family I like that's when you look up you go to if you want to go go to Google and look up Biden crime family, you'll find okay. So the Biden crime family this is very interesting. Because this is something that the news media is not touching. The only person who was it was of any note on mainstream and please make no mistake, Fox News is mainstream. Is Tucker Carlson who interviewed this. This guy Tony Baba Lance bubble. insky Unknown Speaker 2:13:47 Hey, Tony. Hey, Tony Polanski, a member of the Biden crime family that Bubba Lenski here Unknown Speaker 2:13:55 who is actually seems to be a fine upstanding citizen when it comes to financial trickery. Unknown Speaker 2:14:01 But that hour long that Tucker interviewed him had seven and a half million people watching that is a blowout ratings number by any any comparable seven that I mean that he gets, I think three and a half to four, maybe four and a half million which is already blowing out everybody else seven and a half million. And he can't get advertisers because they know and it's still the my, my pillows hilarious. my pillow guy. Unknown Speaker 2:14:30 I think we're rising. my pillow guy has got to be cleaning up with a cheap deal. Oh, he's very he's very, very, very successful. He's doing very well with that. But what is interesting about this obvious Well, there's two things are interesting. One is the ties to China, which I'll get to I only have two clips. The first one is how the mainstream media in general is just refusing to cover the story. And to me, it seems Unknown Speaker 2:14:59 that's the way Unknown Speaker 2:15:00 When because right after the election, whether Joe Biden wins or loses the Biden crime family is done for they're done for if Biden wins, he'll be arrested and thrown in jail with the whole Biden family and Kamala Harris will be president. If he loses. What do they got to lose? Throw the guy in jail. They don't care. He's useless to them. So watch this old man who I used to feel bad about. I used to feel bad that they were abusing an elderly man. Now I don't care now the whole crime. Have you seen his brother James? What a shyster that guy looks like in the crime fan. He Unknown Speaker 2:15:40 He really does look like a gangster. Unknown Speaker 2:15:43 So one of the best examples, and without a doubt, Unknown Speaker 2:15:48 the Senate Intelligence Committee, the FBI have authenticated this laptop and the information on it. And it is it's very deepest. There's very interesting all kinds of ties to crazy countries where apparently allegedly they were running scams from Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan. Oh, my God, Kazakhstan that is a scam to be had there. Unknown Speaker 2:16:12 And there was a great interview between Liz Harrington Unknown Speaker 2:16:16 I can never remember who she is. Because she just looks like she looks actually a lot like that mousy woman from Code Pink. What's your name? Unknown Speaker 2:16:26 What's her name? What's your name? So the Code Pink Lady Code Pink Lady, but this is the the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. And she went head to head with the incredible international journalists Cristiane for four. And it was it was just delicious, too delicious to believe I show let it play that Rudolph Giuliani that is the President's Personal lawyer with quote being used to feed Russian misinformation to the stop stop, sir. Wait, stop. You have to start over. Well, I want to point this is I just want to point this little charade out a bit Unknown Speaker 2:17:06 over the democrat way of doing this as Giuliani has always never described as the ex mayor of New York or police or any, you know, Major. He was a major district. Unknown Speaker 2:17:21 Attorney General rolled up five crime families in New York hold up all the crime families, former marriage all these No, no, no, no, he's not that. No, he is Donald Trump Trump's personal attorney as though he's over at the house all the time. This is bullshit. That Rudolph Giuliani that is the President's Personal lawyer was quote being used to feed Russian misinformation to the president Giuliani met in December with somebody who the United States government believes is a Russian agent. You know who I'm talking about a Ukrainian parliamentarian by the name of Andre de catch. Are you comfortable with the President of the United States being close to a person like Rudy Giuliani, who says also that he is not bothered whether any of the information comes from from Russian hacking? What does that say? Are you comfortable that cnn used Russian disinformation from a Russian asset to leak it to subvert the peaceful transfer of power? That reporting on the Desi a verified Russian disinformation, is it not? Is it not as let's just get back to this with the dossier real was the dossier real? Unknown Speaker 2:18:38 Rather than storing the democrats accused us of doing is when they themselves did when? Unknown Speaker 2:18:47 We we've heard this smear very well, the United Unknown Speaker 2:18:51 who said it not me. Uh, not CNN, the United States government, the FBI, the FBI. Okay. You know what, also the United States government says the FBI says this laptop is not Russian disinformation. So what are you talking about here? This laptop is real. It's not just the laptop, there's other emails, there's text messages, they are real. So according to the US, government, I owe Unknown Speaker 2:19:16 everybody to look at that. But that's not what we're hearing. Unknown Speaker 2:19:20 This is one of the most powerful because he's in Washington, his family and you're okay. You're okay with our interests being out to profit. And Joe Biden and his family when when we're suffering during a pandemic from Communist China. Unknown Speaker 2:19:39 Okay, as you know, perfectly well, I'm a journalist and a reporter. Unknown Speaker 2:19:44 There's never been any issues in terms of corruption. Now, let me ask you this today, the FBI, the FBI, that I'm talking about reporting, and any evidence I'm talking to you now, okay. Unknown Speaker 2:20:00 You guys Unknown Speaker 2:20:02 start doing that barefoot? No, we're not gonna do your work for you want to ask you a question? The FBI? Unknown Speaker 2:20:11 Find out if this is verified? Unknown Speaker 2:20:16 I cannot. Unknown Speaker 2:20:18 Yeah, I'm not gonna do your work for you. No man, who's the journalist? Unknown Speaker 2:20:25 journalist says I'm not gonna do your work for you. She said government person. Yeah. No, my God is really quite unbelievable. Unknown Speaker 2:20:36 And what how did they get off saying is this laptop which is dropped off at a repair shop is somehow in any way involved with Russian hacking? Like the Russians hacked the laptop or what are they trying to say? Well, they're basing that on the letter that the former intelligence officials Brennan clapper at morale. Gao said it looks like Russian information. This information, it looks like it This has all been basically our spook saying, Hey, that looks like the work of their spooks. Come on, please. Just so insulting, you give you give my family a bad name Brennan. Unknown Speaker 2:21:23 But one of the pieces that has not been discussed yet. I don't know if Tucker Carlson had this whole thing yesterday that they sent some documents through FedEx, I guess. And they arrived open and the documents were gone. And he's making a big deal out of it. You know, it's like, please don't tell me you had someone in New York send you original documents and there weren't copies. I was kind of Unknown Speaker 2:21:49 had a bad taste to it. But meanwhile, there's real stuff that is very interesting. And this is the call about Unknown Speaker 2:21:59 C e FC China energy. And and, and this was a side deal that they were putting together. This is what Tony Bob Alinsky, but he was working on. And the C e FC China energy is one of the main conduits for investments abroad. Before the Belton road for the actual Chinese strategy to take over the world. We've only been following this for I don't know, five, six years that we've been reporting on it. So this very company they were cutting a side deal with. And apparently things started to get a little bit hot. And this is hunter Biden on a phone call. It's from his laptop. Yes, it is. Unknown Speaker 2:22:44 I get calls from my father, to tell me that the New York Times is calling on my old partner Eric, who literally has done me harm for how long is the one taking the calls, because my father will not Unknown Speaker 2:22:59 care Unknown Speaker 2:23:02 about my representation of the Unknown Speaker 2:23:07 pagico, the Unknown Speaker 2:23:15 company that my partner who is worth 300 and $20 billion Unknown Speaker 2:23:23 is now missing. Unknown Speaker 2:23:26 The world is missing, who was my partner? Unknown Speaker 2:23:30 He was missing since I last saw his $50 million apartment and signed a $4 billion deal to be the largest Unknown Speaker 2:23:40 in the world. Unknown Speaker 2:23:45 receive calls from Unknown Speaker 2:23:50 my best friend who is this has named me as a witness without telling me. Unknown Speaker 2:24:02 Now this was really interesting, and I haven't heard anyone really delve into it. What he who he's talking about is Patrick hold Ching p, also known as Patrick Hall, and Patrick Whoa, joined the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference in Preparatory Committee of Hong Kong and later became the chairman of the CFC. And he was arrested in the United States for bribery and money laundering. In 2017, and 2018. He was convicted on seven accounts of bribery and money laundering. Following a federal trial. He was imprisoned he was supposed to get three years he was fined $400,000. Interestingly, he was led out on good behavior Unknown Speaker 2:24:54 in June of this year, on the 18th on the 20th. He was already Unknown Speaker 2:25:00 Back in China, and after that he went missing Unknown Speaker 2:25:05 and that's what Hunter is all freaked out about because Unknown Speaker 2:25:09 the guy that he was doing the deal with went missing. So you got to think that he's dead now Unknown Speaker 2:25:16 and just hear that they weren't involved in an LNG liquid natural gas which is what we are now exporting. Unknown Speaker 2:25:25 I mean, these these, this family is truly truly horribly corrupt. Unknown Speaker 2:25:32 And I want to be up go ahead I'm reminded of a clip of the from about six years ago is right in the middle of the Obama administration probably just he got in 2008 is probably around 2010. Okay. And it was a couple black guys talking about something rather than one of them cashes in on it you don't miss with Joe Biden joe biden's actually the kingpin you don't want to. He's the guy you want to stay away from. He's dangerous. And this clip was like, this is a throwaway. And it was like Yeah, yeah. Unknown Speaker 2:26:07 Kind of kind of reaction to it. But the more you look at it, this is probably could be amygdala. I mean, that whole area, Delaware, Rhode Island is a type a mobster there. There's a lot different than than New York, Chicago type gangs. But Delaware is, is the America's post office. Basically, it's like every every company is registered in Delaware because there's no taxes, right? There's all kinds of other groovy groovy things. I'm looking forward. I don't see anything. Unknown Speaker 2:26:39 I don't mean what you'll never it's not a name to clip. It was just in a clip. Oh, okay. Okay, so you can't use no way of finding it. Sorry. So to remind everybody, a lot of the big push. And, you know, this is Steve Bannon. Because if you want dirty guys, you want some dirt done, you got to get the slimy, dirty guy and I have total respect for what he's doing in this case. Unknown Speaker 2:27:04 And he's backed by the Chinese billionaire, dissident gwo. I think his name is and he also runs the G news.org. People are saying what is this crazy Chinese site? Yeah, that's g news. That is the site, which I think is probably managed by Bannon. Unknown Speaker 2:27:22 But they're now talking and explaining what these two strategies are. So we have the Belt and Road strategy that's known. But the Chinese strategy there are two with which they're going to take over the world, and apparently with the United States. First is the GBI. And the three F. So the GBI strategy is, or I should say beat BG why I'm sorry. Unknown Speaker 2:27:49 That was GB ys. VGY. bg Why? B is for blue. Unknown Speaker 2:27:54 Which means they need to control the internet and the media. While they're doing pretty well. Yeah, they got to they got to make me well, and you know, but there's big, big investment in Twitter. Unknown Speaker 2:28:07 Quote, Mark Zuckerberg is married to Chinese American speaks Mandarin. Unknown Speaker 2:28:13 Zuckerberg speaks Mandarin. So he has all kinds of Chinese talk going on there. And we know what Google has been doing in China. So there's internet control to and then G. Golden influence, make sure you bribe media officials, etc. And why is yellow and yellow stands for the honey pots in which they compromised officials and apparently members of the Biden crime family. But the specific strategy for the United States is the three f strategy. F stands for the three F is for, for meant weakness. For meant chaos, for meant the destruction of America. Ah. Unknown Speaker 2:28:57 So it's funny that you bring this up when Unknown Speaker 2:29:01 Christopher rea just busted a bunch of Chinese. Mm hmm. And I thought it got short shrift in the media. Unknown Speaker 2:29:08 These are the guys they arrested. Unknown Speaker 2:29:11 Yeah, who did they arrest? They arrested? Go they they brought in I think five guys. I think the two guys just fled to China. And these are guys that were struck with floating around the United States. They're actually Chinese spies that were going from, you know, one Chinese dissident to another many of whom, whom are US citizens at this point, and told they're gonna go kill their parents. And this was talked about by pompeyo. Unknown Speaker 2:29:36 Right, right, right. And they wrapped up a bunch of these guys and busted that little little crime syndicate that they had formed. And this got, you know, in the Associated Press, it was really downplayed everywhere. It's just here and they're not in the network news because I didn't see on NBC, CBS or ABC. Oh, no, of course not. But here's something else I'd like to bring to your attention which you may be able to help with since Unknown Speaker 2:30:00 was a little bit too young to really I was in the wrong country too. Unknown Speaker 2:30:04 During the 50s and 60s, Unknown Speaker 2:30:08 this is around the time when the Chinese started the Great Leap Forward. Unknown Speaker 2:30:14 Do you recall the three red banners? There was kind of that it also known as the three red flags. It was kind of the general line for socialist construction. Yeah, no, I don't. But I do. All I remember is a little red book. And that's about as far as I get. Okay, so from Wikipedia, the three red banners was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s, which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. The three red banners also called the three red flags consisted of the general line for socialist construction, which was the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes. So this literally was three red stripes as a as a signal. Now I would like for you Just a moment to visualize the Biden Harris logo, you may want to look it up. Unknown Speaker 2:31:09 I've been I've been forgetting to bring this to the show for the past three episodes. Do you see the Biden Harris logo? No, I'm not. I don't know. Go to a go to a web browser. I hear net I hear net. Unknown Speaker 2:31:25 Do I have to make it myself? Think it's pretty Harris logo. Unknown Speaker 2:31:34 Well, there's a lot of them. Oh, you're talking about the E? Yes. Hello. Unknown Speaker 2:31:40 Oh, that's very cool. Unknown Speaker 2:31:45 These guys, they see they're not hiding it. They're not hiding it. Unknown Speaker 2:31:52 Oh, that is I you know that. That's fabulous. Unknown Speaker 2:31:57 That's clipping. Oh, there's no there's no clip. Oh, well. Oh, well. So Unknown Speaker 2:32:03 there's I got it. There's a coffee mug just says Joe and just got the three red flower. Yeah, it's everywhere. It's everywhere. I gotta get this coffee. Ma I'm not paying this kind of money for a coffee mug. Unknown Speaker 2:32:14 It's Unknown Speaker 2:32:16 just an aside here. If anybody has gone well, I got a bunch of Trump stuff too from the guys in Las Vegas. And they didn't get a note from him. But Unknown Speaker 2:32:25 have you noticed if you go to these websites where they sell Trump stuff, the hats the mugs all flags. Yeah, and the Biden's say the Trump stuff is cheap. Unknown Speaker 2:32:37 I mean, they're going a loss leader. Yeah, they are. The bite is stuff is overpriced. There's a poster. 17 bucks for the yard. You should be giving those away. 25 bucks for a mug. Break. Oh, Obama starter sticker. $11 Give me a dud the 11 bucks for a bumper sticker. Do you remember I had to buy the Obama bumper sticker from my neighbor in San Francisco. And she charged me 20 bucks for it. Unknown Speaker 2:33:04 Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. your your your neighbor that was trying to get there was trying to get you in the sack. Unknown Speaker 2:33:11 Until she found out that I was until she heard the show. Unknown Speaker 2:33:16 never talked to me. Yeah. Yeah, stop talking. I'm sorry if I recall. That's not how it went. You were trying to get me to get her in the sack. Unknown Speaker 2:33:27 Well, you can change it all your Wow, man. Okay. All right. You're going on and on about this? This babe was not a babe. She was no Obama bought. Yeah, this would turned out. Unknown Speaker 2:33:41 Okay. Unknown Speaker 2:33:43 No, she went to camp. That's what it was. She went to Oh, boy. Yes, she went to the camp where they were they brainwashed into being good. Oh, good. Boy, they learn and then, yeah, they learned an overcharge for their mugs, and 20 bucks for the bumper sticker. scam. That's why they're doing I was the kid that's ever evolved bumper stickers were free. Unknown Speaker 2:34:04 And they never came off your car. They did rip off and ruin the paint. Actually, the newer ones are the ones that have that issue. Better do that too. Unknown Speaker 2:34:15 But one quick thing to say you're done with that with Yeah. I just want people to keep their eye on China. Keep your eye never take your eye off the ball. Those guys are crazy. They're out to get us. They're out to get us. So do you have any clips with do with the Tucker and Boogaloo? No, Unknown Speaker 2:34:33 no, I mean, I thought you know, I don't know. I don't have any car. Well, I guess I want to do a rundown on the election real quick. Let's do this. Let's do the Halle Jackson Trump rap and slam on NBC a Western wildcard in play for both campaigns tonight in battleground Arizona State President Trump won in 2016. But this year, polls show he's trailing damaged by how he's handled the Coronavirus Unknown Speaker 2:35:00 It's time to change Joe Biden before voting early in Delaware blasting a White House press release listing as one of the President's top science and technology accomplishments. Ending the covid 19 pandemic is an insult to every single person suffering COVID-19. And every family who's lost a loved one. The White House acknowledging the release was poorly worded with the pandemic, far from over now more cases in more places than in the spring. That's when according to new audio released by CNN, the President's advisor and son in law, Jared Kushner, told author bob woodward In April, the country was starting its comeback face. We've now put out rules to get back to work. Trump's now back in charge. It's not the doctors they've kind of we have negotiated settlements, President Trump at his rally. Unknown Speaker 2:35:50 Pointing out a flare from a fighter jet meant to warn a small plane out of the restricted airspace. He's also defending how he's handled the Coronavirus. We will vanquish the virus and emerge stronger than ever before. But politically the pandemics haunting him, I can't understand the things that he's saying that just don't seem to make sense, particularly about the whole COVID thing. In Nebraska. It's a different medical issue that has the Trump campaign under me after a rally in Omaha last night. Seven people taken to the hospital as hundreds waited for buses for hours in the freezing cold with the campaign blaming local road closures and congestion for delays. And tonight A years long Washington guessing game came to a close when Myles Taylor revealed himself as the anonymous official behind an explosive 2018 op ed about resistance inside the Trump administration. Taylor was chief of staff to the former Homeland Security Secretary. Unknown Speaker 2:36:48 All right, two things need to be discussed. Yes. I won the hundreds of Trump supporters stuck in the freezing cold I am totally convinced was a democratic op. It was a dirty trick. I have proved I have a bunch of old people and buses. He said let's go we're gonna take all your old people we're gonna take you to Omaha rally It was totally bullcrap. I have proof one of our producers who is boots on the ground sent me two clips. Okay, let's listen to those clips. So the first clip just to set the stage because you're right. It was a democratic bullcrap move was the morning Joe's President Trump made a campaign swing for the Midwest yesterday holding rallies with packed crowds in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nebraska super spreader events all over the country. Unknown Speaker 2:37:36 She's a super spreader. He's killing his Unknown Speaker 2:37:41 t shirts. So that riders I'm sure super spreader 2020 I mean, he's a human super spreader. Look at this. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's the human super spreader 2020 thing tour they have a I survived the super spreader tour of 2020 Unknown Speaker 2:37:59 on the back, literally unless you didn't Unknown Speaker 2:38:03 you know it. It actually be a time of joking in the show right now if it wasn't so unbelievably true and not funny. He wrapped up his rally in Omaha Nebraska last night, hundreds of supporters were so left behind in nearly freezing temperatures, the rapture for our rapture, no transportation. They were bused in and then left there. Unknown Speaker 2:38:29 Trump departed Omaha on Air Force One around 9pm or he flew out on is very comfortable in there with that saturator and people serving. Unknown Speaker 2:38:38 He could wash his hands 50 times after the rally Unknown Speaker 2:38:43 began lining up for buses because they were most in order. They figured they'd be bused out right to return to their cars. A lot of orders. Many of them were elderly. Okay, so first of all, if they weren't serious, it would be a pretty funny segment. I mean, we could have literally come up with the with the super spreader 2020 tour. In fact, I'd love to have that because we did our own super spreader event. But our producer boots on the ground and Omaha, of course had his eyes and ears open and said well maybe you should listen to the report from a local television station. Omaha police say after the rally many people decided to walk back to the parking area instead of waiting for a bus. They may have underestimated how far they had to walk with people walking about two and a half miles to get to their cars. people waiting on buses, cars moving out and security restrictions The area was congested. On top of that. The mayor says more people showed up than expected they estimated about 10,000 people last night they checked security 22,000 and then they left thousands outside the gate that never got in official say the buses were delayed and people had to wait to get back to their cars. Police tell us there were about a half dozen supporters. were traveling Unknown Speaker 2:40:00 poured into hospitals for a variety of medical reasons. For arrow stage line officials say no one was left stranded after the rally. We weren't 100% did not leave anybody stranded. Our motor coaches were running until the lots were empty. So it's first of all, what they what they're really obvious gating? Is there were 25,000 people. Yeah, 25 I don't care what they tell me. I don't care what you say about polls. It is. I know the American public because I picked the hits for them. Unknown Speaker 2:40:37 I picked the Billboard Hot 100 hits for the American people. And I know what they like and I'm telling you right now, Electoral College and popular vote massive landslide and it should be it should no one's to vote for a decrepid Joe Biden, but that's okay. Let me go back to this. This issue. NBC play this up in this huge article. Oh, and and looking at the article with the with Oh, hundreds of Trump's hundreds, by the way, hundreds. Well, hundreds of Trump supporters stuck on freezing cold Omaha airfield after rally seven taken to hospitals. And then it's by Jeff Bennett, at Dale Adela Suleman and Carolyn Romanowski. So I always look at who these right Who are these writers? Yeah. Now wait a minute. They wrote the story about this thing in in Omaha? Are they local reporters? Unknown Speaker 2:41:32 Jeff Bennett, he's a white house correspondent. He works in Washington DC. Why is he doing this story? bullet? Maybe the maybe the two women they they're they have a better shot at it. Yes. You're gonna be there, right? Yeah. Adela Suleman is a London based reporter for NBC News. Three people working on the story. None of them. Haha. And then Caroline red and Dalton Dreadnought kowski. Caroline red Nevsky is a senior reporter for NBC News, social news gathering. The social news gathering team based in London that means she trolls Twitter. Yeah. She wouldn't mean trolls. Unknown Speaker 2:42:16 Story. This is shameful journalism. But that's Unknown Speaker 2:42:23 awkward with the holly with the holly Jackson report. She does mentioned his guy miles tail. Yes, yes. This is this was very surprising as you were pretty sure it was john bolton. Unknown Speaker 2:42:36 But I thought john No, I thought it was a book that came up by anonymous that I thought that book. No, I'm sorry. Yes. We both actually I thought it was john bolton is because john bolton was in the position where he could write such a thing. This guy is working for Department of Homeland Security. He's not in the meetings with Trump. Well probably trolled on hold on. He was kind of the Chief of Staff for Unknown Speaker 2:43:03 it was the Blondie who ran red DHS, Justin Nielsen, Kirsten Nielsen. And I can see where if you know, you're in the inner circle, you pick a lot of stuff up. He probably didn't witness any of this stuff happening. He didn't witness by the way. Did the New York Times have to now say, Yes, we knew it was him. Unknown Speaker 2:43:24 Because they made it sound like it was a high high end official. And it's not a high end official at all. But what I'm saying is didn't The New York Times at the time they published this anonymous letter they said they said they knew it was bolt, but they said they knew who it was correct. Yeah. So they need to now go on the record and say yes, that's who we knew who it was. So they can look like the heels. They are Yes. Yes. Yes. You too. cording to you. Yeah, he gets an interview with Unknown Speaker 2:43:56 Chris Cuomo. And this is I only took a minute out of it a minute and a half because this is dumb. But this is the Myles Taylor interview with Chris Cuomo. This guy's a douchebag. This miles Taylor. This is miles first TV interview since revealing he was the person behind the pin more than two years ago when he turned the White House upside down with that. Now infamous Trump resistance op ed and subsequent book warning about the President's unfitness for office. The former chief of staff at Homeland Security Under Secretary Neilson Unknown Speaker 2:44:30 was a very big and inside position. What did anonymous and others actually stopped from happening? How worried was he and were others in house? How many are still there? insight into why Biden is hitting the notes that he is in this campaign, especially in the final week. Also, why did Myles Taylor conduct himself the way he has? Let's start there. miles Taylor, thank you for taking the opportunity. Hey, Unknown Speaker 2:45:00 As always, thank you for having me. All right, first, what matters most? Certainly to me, you lie to us. miles, you were asked in August, if you were anonymous here on CNN with Anderson Cooper. And you said, No. Now, why should cnn keep you on the payroll after lying? Like? Unknown Speaker 2:45:20 It's a great question. Unknown Speaker 2:45:24 Give me the blunt truth, published a warning. I said in the book that if asked, I would strenuously deny I was the author. And here's the reason. Because the things I said in that book, were ideas that I wanted Donald Trump to challenge on their merits. We have seen over the course of four years that Donald Trump's preference is to find personal attacks and distractions to pull people away from criticisms of his record. I wrote that work anonymously, to deprive him of that opportunity, and to force him to answer the questions on their merits. And I'll tell you what happened, Chris, the end result is the president couldn't. Okay, no matter what, you deserve this one. Unknown Speaker 2:46:06 What you made it clip of the day actually, with your crazy ass editing. But I just want to go back to the pertinent part in this clip me. All right. First, what matters most? Certainly to me. You lied to us. miles, you were asked in August, if you were anonymous, here on CNN with Anderson Cooper. And you said, No. Now why should cnn keep you on the payroll after lying like that? Unknown Speaker 2:46:32 Chris, wow. Unknown Speaker 2:46:34 He He's on the CNN payroll. Unknown Speaker 2:46:40 That's mine. Now, you're still on the payroll, of course. So this guy's got a very checkered past. He's a Republican, you know, he says, but he's a rhino of all sorts of, you know, the classic nature. He wants to quit the Department of Homeland Security after his book book deal, which probably got him a good Unknown Speaker 2:47:01 deal you'll have to have, he'll probably have another book now. Only he? Unknown Speaker 2:47:08 Did you know who he is. He's just a dud. But he went right immediately to Google. Unknown Speaker 2:47:15 Is that Google? No. Yeah. And then he went to Russia. Then in August 2020. He while on leave from Google, key, he started he produced an ad for Republican voters against Trump denounced Trump and endorsing Joe Biden. Okay. Taylor was the first former See, and then he went back to Google, as far as I know. Yeah. That's great. Unknown Speaker 2:47:35 That's great. That would that you got me on that one. Unknown Speaker 2:47:39 That was good. That's very good. There you go. I do have a bit of material from the presidents of shorty I thought this week because I have two clips from the President that I that are interesting. Okay, this is a short humor. And especially because we know about this particular machine a lot of plants and you hear that Unknown Speaker 2:48:00 that's one that's a brand new beautiful f 35 jet Unknown Speaker 2:48:09 that's why you can't see it. Unknown Speaker 2:48:15 first Unknown Speaker 2:48:17 piece of graph Unknown Speaker 2:48:20 actually a jet there as he just pointed out something empty. You heard a jet go by it's like well, the gel Yes. The jet like you hear that? Yeah, that's it's stealth. You can't see it yet. Stealth we can we can hear it. It was just I mean, I get the joke. I think it's great. Yeah, I think it's great. Most people are not not. Unknown Speaker 2:48:41 He's like, Unknown Speaker 2:48:44 it's not the rafter. So so he was getting he did a stirred bit in Arizona or what I don't know where you started, but he ended up in Phoenix and Goodyear place. And he, for the first time he started bringing people up. Oh, yeah. What's up for this? This is new. And so free brought up Rand Paul, who did a great job. And then he brought up Mike Lee and who I want to play last and then they brought because Mike Lee is unbelievable. It was Mike Lee again. Mike Lee's that guy from Utah. The very thoughtful conservative guy he was using never trumper in 2016. He hated Trump because he's from Utah. Senator. Yeah, he's a senator, his major, major combative, Senator, if you look him up, you can do Mike Shelton shumway he's you know, hello. Well, I'm gonna tell you some stuff. So Meanwhile, he say brings up Nigel Farrar. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 2:49:40 So I want to play I want to play in bringing up for Raj. Then I got up in the den. You're gonna hear something. Come on up. Nigel. He's a very non controversial person to Unknown Speaker 2:49:53 come on, Nigel. He's very shy. Yeah, sure. Unknown Speaker 2:50:00 controversial and shy. Compared to you, I gotta say four years ago, I was honored to come to America to bring the Brexit message the message, so you can beat the establishment. Unknown Speaker 2:50:13 That is what Donald Trump did. He beat the pollsters. He beat the media. He beat all the predictions. And here's the worst bit they've never forgiven him for it. Unknown Speaker 2:50:24 They've never ever forgiven him. They have spent four years trying to to legitimize him. Four years of the Russia hoax four years of a false impeachment. Most human beings out of that barrage would have given up. Unknown Speaker 2:50:41 This is Unknown Speaker 2:50:43 the single most resilient and bravest person I've ever met in my life. Unknown Speaker 2:50:52 All right, anyway, goes on. It was it was entertaining. entertaining, but Unknown Speaker 2:50:59 Mike Lee, so you see this guy you've seen him and these Unknown Speaker 2:51:04 kind of milk toast is slow talking guy and no toasty. And email toast show he brings up Mike Lee and now I you realize what you see in the in those situations is not the guy out campaigning. Unknown Speaker 2:51:17 Mike Lee. Unknown Speaker 2:51:20 Could they bring him up? I don't even think Trump expected this. He's in Arizona brings the house down. Unknown Speaker 2:51:32 Great job brand. Thank you very much. We have another great senator Unknown Speaker 2:51:37 from the state of Utah. Unknown Speaker 2:51:40 And he is he's a smart one. He's a good one. He's a respected one. Mike Lee Come on. Unknown Speaker 2:51:50 Man, oh, Unknown Speaker 2:51:54 man from Atlantis. Unknown Speaker 2:52:01 For more years. Unknown Speaker 2:52:14 As you approach the ballot and your friends do Unknown Speaker 2:52:24 we have to remember this by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we got four years of prosperity Unknown Speaker 2:52:31 to my Mormon friends my letter they say friends Unknown Speaker 2:52:36 as Captain Unknown Speaker 2:52:38 power. Unknown Speaker 2:52:40 He sees the praise of the world or the fake news. But he seeks the well being and peace of the American people. Unknown Speaker 2:52:49 Are you ready to stand with me and millions and millions of others who want for more years? Unknown Speaker 2:53:00 Yeah, this is this is a real thing. Unknown Speaker 2:53:04 Jose, Betty's Jose. Unknown Speaker 2:53:07 I asked him again today actually. He said, Oh man, upward because they live in Round Rock, Georgetown, Round Rock to all the Hispanic men are going out with their trucks and Trump flags and they're doing spontaneous parades. He says they're all in. And this is you know, Mexican Americans. Yeah, this is an all in and interesting just Unknown Speaker 2:53:32 that NPR had a interesting story. I wish there was audio of it. headline is Trump has weaponized masculinity as President, here's why it matters. And I'm going to tell you right now, that's exactly why he's gonna win. Because he's awakened, the black American man, the brown American man. A lot of the white American men. Unknown Speaker 2:53:56 Dan, it's, and I think that's what's and I think it's a good thing. You know, if we can get beyond this patriarchy bullcrap, and figure out the right model with each other, Unknown Speaker 2:54:06 which I think is the male female model personally, but Unknown Speaker 2:54:10 um, you know, yeah, baby. Well, I will say that I was stunned by Mike Lee and his men in Spanish isn't bad. Sounds fantastic. I could understand screams that he screams just like I'm thinking wow, I should put an echo behind this. It's not like next radio. Unknown Speaker 2:54:27 Oh, that's so interesting. You bring that up. Unknown Speaker 2:54:31 It was a must have been Sunday night. And there was some party going on here where the apartments are the section eight not far behind our house. And, and they were blasting music and from time to time that really make it loud, which is okay, you know, I don't mind that. But they there's something about Mexican culture, just like the radio. Even when they turned up the music on the speakers. It was Unknown Speaker 2:54:58 like, they love that sound. Unknown Speaker 2:55:00 They just love the sound Unknown Speaker 2:55:06 they love they love it. Unknown Speaker 2:55:09 We could we could be on Mexican radio in with your gear with with my gear and your pipes baby. We're golden Unknown Speaker 2:55:20 no agenda. Imagine all the people who could do. Oh yeah, that'd be fun. Unknown Speaker 2:55:31 And yes, we do have a few people to thank for show 1290 Yeah. And once I get my mouse in the right spot, I'll be able to start thanking them starting with Unknown Speaker 2:55:43 looks like hatch, what is hatch, audio hatch, hatch audio imagery design in Dallas, Texas. I go by hatch. Thank you. Okay. Unknown Speaker 2:55:55 A Dame Ladybug in San Diego 130. That was hatch out is 130 01 30 01 30. Thank you very much donations for doing the show for 13 years. Braman Haas, and McKinney Texas 130. Sir caliber lavender blossoms in North Michigan sir cow how's it going cow Unknown Speaker 2:56:14 game gent. Jennifer in charleston south south carolina. Jane Jennifer. R Dame Jen are named. Jennifer Yes. Unknown Speaker 2:56:25 Peter Chong and Lakewood Washington, m Linda Geeta, Geeta, Geeta Geeta in Santa Monica California. Richard spot Stowe in Burbank lovely Burbank, California Vincent pedulla. In Brooklyn, New York. 130 he else has a birthday says thanks for the awesome content Happy Birthday to his guide dog. I thought we already did that. But I don't remember that. Okay. Could have been part of the bad merge remember Brooklyn thing but not a guy remember that guy? I think I put it on manually. Okay. Oh, it could be it's all good game Zelda of the turtle realm. Unknown Speaker 2:57:06 Yes. Unknown Speaker 2:57:07 Taz family and Long Beach comes with 120 a day so we're starting to go to normal. Patrick Comber, Night of the Cal hills in San Diego California hundred dollars a gallon hundred dollars. Edward Ryan 999999999 and Collin Preston Oregon City boobs. 808 Aaron Chamberlin for a smokin hot wife who's a breast cancer survivor f cancer karma for all I'll do at the end. We'll put that at the end. Aaron chamber. Chamberlain from Dayton also with 808 also boobs. And he says make boobs great again. Unknown Speaker 2:57:45 They've always been sure Brian Kaufman 7575 in Scottsdale, Arizona, Brian Klim Zack and Naperville Illinois. You know, I used to always pronounced that Napier bill, but just I think it is spelled Naperville. Sure Gary and Wayne as funny so get searched for Gary and Wayne, Pennsylvania. 66 dot 60 Unknown Speaker 2:58:09 Jeffrey Sewell in San Jose 5678 sam van poor in Amsterdam 5589 Mark, mich mer boyson midmar Hausen, MC Morehouse and Miss Holland, Michigan myth, Morehouse. And Miss Unknown Speaker 2:58:33 Renee du Pont in Grosse Pointe farms. sent a little note Oh, do you call that she's a DuPont. Unknown Speaker 2:58:43 DuPont was it was it gilded the edges of the DuPont note? Unknown Speaker 2:58:48 Almost. Unknown Speaker 2:58:51 It's the glitter everywhere. Unknown Speaker 2:58:54 Let me switch my mic. combustable boyfriend Michael Goodell reached knighthood, a couple of episodes back. His note was lost. And he went on knighted? No. Unknown Speaker 2:59:05 I don't see any evidence. No. We both love your podcast and talk about the interesting things here. I haven't closed his last note. Oh, okay. All right. Renee, this goes to the next show. You figured out something that we should have done for this show. Okay, now we'll fix them next. And I may I'll make my own note, too. That happens. Unknown Speaker 2:59:30 Yeah, okay. Yeah. So we'll put him on the knighting list. Unknown Speaker 2:59:36 For 1290 on the knighting list. Now, I don't know that I can put them on the donation list unless, but he's definitely okay. And it will read his entire note. Gotcha. Unknown Speaker 2:59:47 That's a long story. But it was funny. Where we're all cracking up Derek Johnson in Denver 50 to 80. I sent out an email about my boots on the ground. Oh, white versus blue collar. So Unknown Speaker 3:00:00 award. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 3:00:02 thank you. Okay dad continue Danielle Williams Mount Shasta 5041 john McDonough and the birthday shout out to Sir Jeff for the five seasons are Shawn the scientists in Fort Pierce Florida 5033. The following people are $50 donors name and location. We don't have a lot of them. Dame Ashley is the lake. Beautiful Dame Ashley of the lake and Mayfield heights. Ohio starts us off with Eric Olson following closely from water Valley, Mississippi. Hope you're okay. I know some storms are hitting Christopher Kessler in Marshfield, Wisconsin, Sir Richard Gardner in Chicago, Illinois and Baron Allen being up in tigard, Oregon. Want to thank all these folks are making show 1290 possible and keeping us going. Thank you very much. And especially thanks to all those producers who worked on the show. You use your time, your talent, your treasure, it's all equally valuable to us. And when you look at the value you're receiving just turned into some numbers, if you want to send it back to us, it's very easy. Go to vote.org slash and a and just send us whatever it was worth to you. And thank you very much for your courage. All of the producers of Episode 1290 as promised. Unknown Speaker 3:01:22 You've got karma Unknown Speaker 3:01:32 is one of the best old radio gags in history. We love congratulating people on their birthdays. And here we go James Fukumoto 33 today there's that magic number. Rob combi turned 60 on the 26th Vincent panola Happy Birthday to his guide dog Liberty who turned five also on the 26th Danielle Williams says Happy Birthday to her stupendous husband sir Jeff with the five seasons his birthday today Dame Ashley to jack who turns 14 today, sir Chris to his son Felix, who had that surfy looks to you who turned 11 today, and serpentina Night of the Redcliffe peninsula celebrating and Annie says Happy Birthday to Eric knouse 48 years old tomorrow and finally, Matt Hurd says Happy Birthday to his brother Ronnie. They're both big fans of the show. He turns 45 on November 2 Happy Birthday from everybody here at the best podcast in the universe. Unknown Speaker 3:02:26 No titles but we do have a nice lineup for the roundtable so if I can wow I got the gold blade. Unknown Speaker 3:02:35 Nice. Unknown Speaker 3:02:38 gilded even. Obama's podium here and Neil Harrison Kyle man David Hagen's anonymous and Stephen Riley gentlemen all of you have contributed to the no agenda show the best podcast and university you might have $1,000 or more. That means you breached the roundtable with the knights and dames take place on a regular basis. I am proud to pronounce the KT sir done a bunk of the Northern mitten sir man of the center Sir David eggen serpentina Redcliffe peninsula and sir Stephen of the Bighorn basin for you, gentlemen, we got hookers and blow rent boys and Chardonnay, Beck's in a big old bag of Haribo gummy bears, pizza burgers and Pepsi, beer rims and dietary Pepsi at the round table and of course, we got mutton in need. It's always at the roundtable. If you all would go over to no agenda nation.com slash rings. We'll make sure that Eric the show gets your ring out to you as soon as possible. The beautiful no agenda in the morning signet ring. It's in Latin. We give you the sealing wax to make it official and your certification. And thank you again for supporting the no agenda show. No one. Unknown Speaker 3:03:47 Parties being had all over the globe with no agenda meetups, you go to no agenda meetups.com You can find one that's taking place near you. And we have a couple of reports. Here's one from Denver, coming to you from the meetup formerly known as the Denver city parks sit in. i'm john, and we're here at an unnamed bar in Denver, Colorado with less than 10 people. It's been a great meetup. Plenty of like minded individuals here expect everybody to show up next meetup. Thanks for coming today. And this is Emily and that was Marcus. And this is tacos the next meetup will be a nice Thanksgiving one. Boogey Unknown Speaker 3:04:28 Man Unknown Speaker 3:04:30 Jim was here Martin was here. It was like a party. It still is a party. See you next time. You know, just want to be there when you hear that don't you? Unknown Speaker 3:04:41 sure was fun. You just want to hang up we had also we have a report from the Arlington This is this book city. Hey john. Adam. May this Sir William at the Arlington meetup. Unknown Speaker 3:04:52 Just want to touch on. Zephyr is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Trains good plains, Haiti. Unknown Speaker 3:05:00 See girl proudly not appearing on the hunter Biden laptop. But yeah, Mitch rod case here. Unknown Speaker 3:05:06 Thanks, john. Unknown Speaker 3:05:08 This is peer from Missouri astrology. Boring everybody with the layout of the planets for the coming up coming election. guys my name is Peter, an invite from a dear friend of mine I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here. And I will start looking to into podcasts since I invented the internet without door. Thank you. Hi, it's Bob from Annapolis. Thank you for your courage and I asked you to spot the spook. Yes Is not that Chris Not that sir Chris and I am. I am I am here but I'm not nearly as funny because I don't drink anymore. Unknown Speaker 3:05:44 This is Bongo boy. I am drinking right now. I'm here in that's my wife called it in podcast land today. And I'm happy to be out again with everybody in the morning. Unknown Speaker 3:06:01 That's just a bunch of people who sound happy to be alive. I'd love to go to the Arlington meetup and spot the spook. Well, I always thought it was DC or two of them. Yeah, I always thought it was DC girl but I think it was the guy. Unknown Speaker 3:06:18 Maybe the podcast land guy. I would have to you gotta see it. Here's the trick. Here's the guy telling me about the the frequency of this effort. Oh, yeah, you're right. Because he's giving you know he's like, these guys are information oriented. Because that's, that's, that's when they scan you right when they when this effort goes by your house, the scanning. They send the beam up. Who knows? Unknown Speaker 3:06:40 We've got a couple of meetups on the way this Friday in Bellingham, Washington. It's spooky tat now there's twin sister brewery that will be the spooky times meetup 730. Saturday el Dia de los Muertos flight wha Long Beach, California. Yay. 3:33pm at steelcraft city of Long Beach. Also on Saturday knuckleheads Halloween take over Kansas City, Missouri. 333 in the afternoon at the knuckleheads. saloon next or this upcoming Sunday tiny amygdalas in Anchorage. It's been so long since I've been to Anchorage to one o'clock a Alaska time. It's the pre election meet up at the fire tap ale house. I think that's where I was the fire tap ale house actually. It's kind of it's also like a club. I think I make it in mission. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 3:07:24 Alaska is the only state in the Union I've never been to. Wow. I've only been there once and it wasn't overnight. Unknown Speaker 3:07:32 And I haven't even done a toe tap. And I went from there. to New Orleans. It was a weird trip. I like to go from there to Vladivostok, S and other places. here's the here's what I remember. And I think it was it was it was the weirdest thing. I got there kind of late. I had to do an appearance at this club, I think, you know, for the bad radio station in Alaska. And, and I remember in this club, it was just it was like five beautiful women to every guy. Unknown Speaker 3:08:02 Now this is the 90s but there was just a lack of men. And it was it was it was crazy. Unknown Speaker 3:08:10 Anyway, maybe it's that way I don't know if it is anymore. So finally Philadelphia also on Sunday local 76. Get out Get out the hoax slavery for President 2020 Okay, at the good dog bar at six o'clock. And then we have upcoming Of course we have the virtual election meetup, which will be November 3, I think that's over no agenda, social calm. And we have a live election watch party. Bunker Hill, Illinois. So that's coming up for election day. And those are the meetups, if you will at least the meetups that I have for now if you want to find out if there's one coming up near you we got a great site sir Neil or knight who put that together. I think it's Neil put that together for us over no agenda meetups.com no agenda meetup.com find one near you. And if not, then just start your own you're gonna have a good time. It's like a potty. Unknown Speaker 3:09:22 I only have one and we're alert the affiliates were long. I only have one more clip I want to play and then whatever else you have, we can do. Well I have a couple of things to do go by. Okay. I do have one of a couple different I have some classics I wanted to play that that marked a 13th anniversary I got some 22,009 2010 clips, a couple oldies and that bring back memories. Okay. And I also have I can play this on Sunday, which is Mindy Robinson bitching about the balance all over Nevada, floating around and may have Unknown Speaker 3:10:00 And thing screwing up and that was got her kicked off Twitter for a while I Below are some of my Facebook my, it's gonna be interesting but play what you're doing and I'll also have the I have the clip of Chuck Todd on a sports show going on and on about this is actually a good clip to play except this two minutes I got rather played today, the next Sunday shows before the election will be better. Okay then, okay. But I want to play these classics. Alright, so when we do a classic my clip and then a classic and we're out. Unknown Speaker 3:10:36 I have for classics, you only get Unknown Speaker 3:10:41 three hours and 11 minutes. I mean, what's gonna happen? How long was the show? And I'll say it was like eight hours and you'll be mad nine seconds. I know. But they gave us credit for being a three and a half hour long show. Okay, well, then we got a cast Business Report. You see that? podcast? We got broadcast Business Report. No podcasting business. Oh, yeah, we got we got a nice shout out. We got a shout out on pod news as well. Yeah, hot news. Yep, pod. A pod. pod news is the shizzle. That's j this James Cridland. He's in Australia. Yeah, Brad, this is pretty good. I'd like poges Unknown Speaker 3:11:17 Well, let's start with this one. And let's start this 2000 this is from 10 years ago. Oh. Unknown Speaker 3:11:24 And I want to ask people out there who was getting so bad 10 years ago, whatever. You know, we talked about the news media being full of crap. Whatever happened to this story? And the way it was played? If you recall, months on end, classic bedbugs attack. Unknown Speaker 3:11:42 Sorry, I thought you were going for a different clip. Yes, this was classic. Coming up. It's a feeding frenzy on the move. bedbugs are giving people nightmares over the last 10 years their population has been exploding. Tonight. We know why the insects are crawling out of beds and into movie theaters and classrooms and more. And Unknown Speaker 3:12:05 day after day of bedbugs showing up in classy New York hotels. Oh, it was it was non stop reporting on bedbugs. And then it just went silent. Yeah. And if you're listening to the beginning of every person for the last 10 years, they've been tripling and quadrupling what they should be. They should have taken over by now. Yes, no, we don't even hear about them. They should be running the joint. Unknown Speaker 3:12:27 Okay, before you play your tip, let's just play this little shorty. This is a classic humor Hyundai. Unknown Speaker 3:12:34 Of all the things that are changing lately, Hyundai assurance has remained rock solid and gotten even better, because now it gives you something else gas. Unknown Speaker 3:12:46 I don't remember that with you used to do more of that than we do now. Well, it was a slow news day, apparently. Unknown Speaker 3:12:54 I know I got a it's a minute 20. And this is I want to play this because a lot of people don't understand how polling works in America. What polling is how accurate they are. Now we know that the last time polls were predicting something was the 2016 election. And it was pretty, pretty clear. There was no path for Trump Unknown Speaker 3:13:17 in 99%, certain Hillary is going to win. And all the polls showed it no path to victory. No agenda rule is the closer you are to the actual Election Day, the closer the polls draw together because of advertising. Now, you know, obviously you want to have a horse race and make it all exciting and keep people watching but this year is different. This year, they've gone all out. I even heard Minnesota, Joe Biden ahead of Trump by 15 points. You know, it's like it's over for Trump. Now. In this case, I'm just skeptical, because remember America, I pick your hits. And it just doesn't feel right to me that there's that kind of difference. And I also, if you recall, in 2016 said this guy's gonna win. And I said it very, I said it in 2015. I said it very early on, I think. So here's a clip of the polls, and polling in general that has changed dramatically in the past 10 years and really start the erosion of what it is started much longer ago. And I've heard many people say, Well, you know, people are being pulled, afraid to say they're going to vote one way or the other, that you know, they don't really want to be truthful. This is Robert Barnes. And I'm not quite sure why he's on the podcast circuit. But he is he is the lawyer who represented the Covington kids. If you recall, we're now getting you know, hundreds of Covington kids Big Dig it in cash. Yeah. 100 200 $300 million, because of the slander of the empty school boys. So he answered the question and he was it was a long Unknown Speaker 3:15:00 But he was on a podcast. Let me see what's the name of the name of this podcast? I want to tell everybody. Unknown Speaker 3:15:07 The gaggle, the gaggle, that's what it was on the gaggle why polls are no longer accurate. The problem is since 2010, people quit answering polls. So we went from like a 50% response rate down to a 2% response rate. For folks out there. That means 98% of the people who are asked to participate in the poll refused to do so that as Pew foundation identified 10 years ago, they said, that means we no longer have random sampling. And if you no longer have random sampling, that means you're no longer getting representative sampling. And so if you end up the best example of this right now is the new york times they said this is how many people said they've already voted. And here's what the democratic margin is. Well, the polls are wrong in every single state. And they're wrong by an average of 25 points. And I was there predicting city point them in there, the University of New Hampshire said that there's an 80 point lead among by Democrats in the early vote. When we have the early vote data from democratic vote modelers who have the data and the information, they say it's about a 20 point lead. In Michigan and Wisconsin, The New York Times said that the democrats were up by 40 to 50 points, it's dead even amongst the early vote. So we already know their polling was wrong. And to give you an idea of how significant that is, Biden's entire lead in all of these new york times polls was amongst people who said they had already voted. He had no lead amongst those who hadn't voted. Those are the core problems with polling fundamentally, they're they're the least reliable form of data. Unknown Speaker 3:16:37 I thought that was that's the way to end the show. I've got no more clips. Okay. I'll take it. Unknown Speaker 3:16:45 So bear that in mind, everybody. And coming up on no agenda stream.com that Larry show will be busting the big lie. That's what that Larry does on that Larry show. We've got end of show mixes. A couple nice ones here. We got Tom starkweather. We got dark docks with a cutie. And the always effervescent thing. Classic Jessie coy Nelson, always bringing us something great. And I am coming to you from the Capitol. The Lone Star State it's opportunity's own 33 here in Austin, Texas, to region number six. If you're looking forward on the governmental maps in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam curry, and from Northern Silicon Valley, where everybody's predicting doom. And Jhansi Dvorak, we return on Sunday right here on no agenda thank you very much for producing for bringing us your value for the value we brought to you and your time your talent and your treasure. So remember us@devora.org slash na until Sunday, everybody Unknown Speaker 3:17:53 such Unknown Speaker 3:18:08 one was called Atlantic storm and the other one was called dark winter, winter, the darkest and worst days of this pandemic, unfortunately, are ahead of us, not dark winter. Unknown Speaker 3:18:19 Look at go through all the process. And by the way, we're about to go into a dark winter, recent dark winter exercise. It's a very dark moment. You want to see something really scary. Okay, this is this is really, really scary now. I trust you. Consider the case of jeffrey toobin, a deeply respected writer and television commentator. He is going to do this again on a zoom call, but something he was looking at my guilty drip drip drip under the desk top. I think I saw something that got me Unknown Speaker 3:19:03 the drip drip drip proving further. Unknown Speaker 3:19:42 What are you doing? Unknown Speaker 3:21:48 mopho.org slash in a first time I've ever pulled it out Transcribed by https://otter.ai